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I set up the candles like it tells me to. Then, place the picture of Mabel in the center. I do the incantation and they room greys like always. "Well. Well. Well. Look who decided to summon me." He floats around me. "What do you need Pinetree? You got to be desperate to summon me." I look up at him, furious. If I could I would hit him with a chair but I don't think that would work. "Give me back Mabel." He laughs and floats in so close I am probably breathing on him. "Are you willing to make a deal?" He whispers. I shove him away. "I hate making deals with you. What do you even want from me this time?" He straighten his bowtie and come in close again, but not as close. "I just want to be out of the mindscape. Is that too much to ask for?" I swear I can hear how evil and deceitful his words are. If he was a person, I bet you he would be smirking too. "Never. I can't even imagine what you would do." He backs into his circle and tips his hat. "3 hours, then she's dead. Better think quick! Bye-" He's gone. He has her, I knew it! But- wait, he's going to kill her! No, I can't let him do that. It will be my fault and I'd never be able to live with myself if she died. I sit on my bed and glance at the clock. 6pm. How is it 6 o'clock already!? That can't even be true. I woke up like a half hour ago! Oh, maybe Bill had something to do with it. Bill always messes everything up. I bet you everything that ever goes wrong in this town is his fault. I look over the the window again. I remember he appeared out of that window. Don't think I didn't notice. I always had a bad feeling about your window. I bet that's how you're 'always watching'. I pull my knees up to my chest and cry. I can't do anything right can I? I always mess everything up. I made the deal that gave Bill my body, which ruined Mabel's sock opera. I-I don't know what to do.

I glance at the clock again. 8:35pm. I must have fallen asleep or something. I pick up the journal and look at it. How did he manage to erase everything in you? He can't actually do anything in the mindscape other than his little messed up deals. I glance out the window and it seems to be raining again, wonderful. At least I know she's not out in the cold rain, but... She is about to be killed or maybe that's his trick this time. Maybe she's already dead. I stand up and start pacing back and forth across the room. No. I'll ask for proof or something. Then he wouldn't be able to hold up his side of the deal. Did he ever hold up his side when I wanted answers? No. I just have to trust him, even though it's the last thing I ever want to do. I can't let him win. I-I have to win! He can't trick me. He makes me so angry. I can't stand you! In one swift motion I smash the window with every once of strength I have. I perch myself on the window sill and look down. It's a long way down, probably far enough to do serious damage or kill me. I push away from the window... and back into the room, collapsing on the piles off broken glass.

Lightning crackles through the clouds outside, as cold rain patters against the floor and the newly broken glass surrounds me on the floor. My hands drip blood from the glass shards as I lay in them silently. Time is up. Why didn't I just do it? I have to make the deal or... or he'd kill her. I don't know if I'm ready for what's about to come next. The room greys as the triangle appears, clearly tired of waiting, no time left to be a afraid. "Woah there kid! Got a little... frustrated didn't ya?" He says, bellowing a laugh that echoes thought the attic room. Everything has stopped, there is no rain or thunder to be heard just him, floating there, taunting me. There was no way to trick him now. He has every advantage and also knows my every disadvantage. He has her. I get up and turn to him, stepping towards him. "Alright, it's a deal." He laughs evilly as we shake on it. The cold, blue fire erupts from our hands as the deal is sealed. There is a blinding flash and I know he's won this round.

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