Chapter 1

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"Come on Tones, it's gonna be fun!" Sweetpea exclaimed.

"Fine" Toni sighed as sh got up from the couch and shrugged on her leather jacket and beanie. The boys fist-pumped the air and ran off to get a couple tools and prepare the truck. When everything was in order, they got in and drove to their destination.


"Right here we are" Jughead exhales, fog coming from his mouth. 

They each grabbed a tool from the back of the truck, contemplating whether or not they should really be doing this. They were stood outside the big gates of Thornhill, tools in their hands with a glint of mischief in their eyes. 

"Are we really doing this?" Fangs smiled.

"Why not, it's been abandoned for months. Nobody knows" Sweetpea smirked. With a final nod from each other, they started breaking into the gates.

Once they were in, they busted open the big, red doors of he mansion and made their way inside. They looked around in awe of the size of the house and it's decor. Although a huge amout of dust and cobwebs were littered all around the place. None of them could believe that someone could just abandon such a house, but then again, the Blossom's were filthy rich so it wouldn't have mattered to them anyways.

They decided to split up in two groups and looked around. Sweetpea and Fangs headed over to the left side of the house, scouting for anything that they could take with them, Jughead and Toni then took the right and looked through everything that was left behind. 

Toni and Jughead stumbled upon a wall filed with pictures of the Blossom family.

"You know, legend had it that the ghost of Cheryl Blossom and her brother haunt this house" Jughead staid playfully.

"Wow, I'm so scared" Toni said, her voice filled with sarcasm. 

"It's weird how they never found the body though" Jughead pointed out as he held a picture of the Blossom twins, shining his flashlight on it. "Betty's still broken about it" he sighed, placing it down. 

"What happened to them?" Toni asked as she inspected a picture of Cheryl, wiping off the dust.

"Some say they ran away, others say they were murdered. No one really knows much about what happened, all we know is that their parents left shortly after they went missing. The sheriff eventually just gave up" he said and they moved on to the stairs leading to the 2nd floor. There they found Sweetpea and Fangs stuffing a couple of things in their jackets.

They all made their way to the second floor and this time decided to stick together. The mansion had an eerie silence to it, even from outside the gates. Now, it only seemed to triple the feeling. They started exploring the second floor, with Sweetpea and Fangs swiping a few things for keeping.

 That was when they heard it. A thump. It was faint, but noticeable. It made them stop in their tracks and put their guard up and shine their flashlights in all directions, searching for the source of the sound. Then they heard it again. It was as if their mind was playing tricks on them.  

Toni was the first to move. She cautiously walked up to the source of the sound, pulling out her pocket knife. She came across a wall. Her brows furrowed in confusion. She could have sworn this was where the thump came from. So she called them over to help search for where the sound came from again. They spread out in search for it. 

Then, there it was again. Toni rushed over to it and found herself at the same spot she was before. She held her fists up to the wall and knocked, not knowing what she was expecting to hear or accomplish by doing so. But the sound that came from it was unusual. It was hallow. Then she tried knocking on various other spots beside it and the others were solid.

"guys come here" she whispered, in an instant, they were beside her. She explained to them what she found out. They all decided to see what it was. So they all backed up and let Sweetpea knock down the wall with the baseball bat he held. It took a couple hard blows but when there was a big enough hole, they all crawled through. 

On the other side was a small dark room. The first whiff of air they got from inside it was toxic, making them gag. They pulled their shirts up to their noses and continued on. That was when they found shuffling. All flashlights immediately pointed at the source of such noise. On the other end of the light was somethings that they never thought they'd see. A sight that was almost impossible. This time around, they were pretty sure that they were hallucinating, despite never taking drugs. Gasp were shared between the four friends as they warily shared a glance at each other.

"Please don't hurt me"

To be continued...

(831 words)

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