Who Would Want Me?

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"Dear Diary,
My teen angst bullshit now has a body count."

That's what (Y/N) wrote in her diary exactly 2 years ago once she started high school at Shiratorizawa Academy. People make fun of her weird personality just cause "how can a girl play the drum?"

Ever since middle school, she's always bullied for playing the drums and being so "different" than other girls. Besides that, people also hated her because of her weird fingers that's always bandaged after hitting the snare millions of times. (Believe me it hurtss)

Today is (Y/N) 3rd year in high school at Shiratorizawa Academy. And she knows nothing interesting will actually happen, besides bullying, and more bullying...

(Y/N) sighed at the thought looking down at her bandaged fingers as she walked to her class.  Once she sat on her seat people started rolling eyes at her and glanced at her fingers. Some are people who has been doing it for years, but some are also new faces.

She took out her headset and started listening (the song on top) on full volume. Until, a red head boy came in the class and people gave him glares and started whispering to each other. (Y/N) kind of felt bad for the guy, she saw his fingers had the same bandages as she has. She kept her eyes on the poor looking red head as he sits in the seat across the room.

I feel bad for him..
Shoot his fingers... what the hell happened to him?
He's kind of a bit handsome though...

(Y/N) thought in her head as she kept staring at him with a smile on her face.... until he caught her-

(Y/N) widened her eyes with a blush across her face as the boy stared at her (E/C) orbs.

I don't wanna scare him... what should I do OH MY GOD No he's gonna hate me now-

She didn't know what to do so she ended up giving him an awkward wave and a smile

OH MY GOD- great! Good job (Y/N)! You just had a guy hate you, again!

But he didn't. In fact, he smiled back and waved back at her, an actual genuine smile...

Woah.. a guy actually smiled at me without even a single trace of mockery...

(Y/N) was so relieved he didn't hate her, little did she know, her face was as red as his hair...

She covered her face with her hands looking down at her table.

Omg why am I like this??

The boy just chuckled at her reaction and went back to unpacking his bag.

(Y/N)'s POV
The homeroom teacher came in and told everyone to introduce themselves, once it was my turn everyone just rolled their eyes in annoyance and some started whispering to each other. i just rolled my eyes avoinding eye contact with anyone.

"Uhm my name's (Y/N) (L/N) and I've been at Shiratorizawa since the first year of high school. I'm in the Shiratorizawa Band as the drummer and now I'm in this class."

I sat back down with my arms crossed as the other students stopped glaring at me for the person next to me to introduce themself.

And finally, it's his turn. I just stared at him as he rose from his seat to introduce himself.

"Hi! My name's Satori Tendouuu!! I'm the middle blocker in the volley team and known as the Guess Monsterr!! Hope we can all get along in this class.."

He lowered his voice on the last few parts, but I heard it clearly.. poor guy... How can people hate such a cute looking dork like him??

I want him to be ok.. It hurts seeing someone being all lonely.. that's usually my thing.. But anyhow... who would want me as their friend?

I sighed at the thought and stared at the front.

Tendou's POV
"Uhm my name's (Y/N), (L/N) and I've been at Shiratorizawa since the first year of high school. I'm in the Shiratorizawa Band and now I'm in this class."

Hmmm (Y/N) huh? A cute name for a cute girl..
i smiled looking at her.. how can one be so beautiful? She even smiled at me! Ahh I hope we can be friends! But who am I kidding? Who would wanna be friends with me?

I finished introducing myself and I can sense that (Y/N) girl is looking at me.. I don't know if it's a good way or a bad way but.... I like it..
Once I looked back at her she sighed and looked in front of the class.

Did I do something wrong?

Does she hate me?

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now