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Dear Diary,
Today was, different? Today I went to school and was greeted by Satori, usually I go to school earlier than him though. That's one. Two is, during lunch Semi kept asking me about what I like.

"(Y/N)! What's your favorite food?"
"Oi what's your favorite movie?"
"You like chocolate or nah?"
"What's your favorite color?"

It's weird how someone could ask you all this in only an hour and a half of lunch. And the funny thing is, some questions are funny?

"Do you like jewelry?"
"Eh? What the-"
"Just answer yes or no you slowpoke."

He kept asking as I went in line with my lunch tray.

"Uhm.. I guess? No? I mean, I sometimes wear earrings and-"
"What about necklaces?"
"Uhm... sure?"
I stopped and looked at him confused.
He just nodded and was going to the table.
"Wait, hold up a sec!"
He didn't listened and went his way.


I went to the table with the other volleyball guys and sat next to Eita since Satori was on the other side in between Wakatoshi and Goshiki talking actively.
Which could only lead to one thing..
"What type of music you like?"

More questions.

I glared at him for asking such a stupid question that is clearly obvious and for bothering me since I got out my classroom.

"Right, should've known."
He said as he ate and kept asking me more questions.

Three, Satori kept reminding me of our "hang out" on Friday. He didn't mention anything about the kiss yesterday, he just kept telling me to not forget. I still get flustered looking at him but he looks like he remembered nothing we did the last day. Something's off, but I don't know what.

"On the cheek, dumbass!"
I didn't know what else to do so I ended up telling this to my only friend other than the cute redhead, Semi.

He grinned playing his fingers as he looks at me.
"What?" I looked at him with a straight face.
"You better not ask me another stupid question.."
"Nah, I'm out of questions."
He laughed it off before I told him again,
"Seriously though. He's acting different today. I don't get it.."
I scratched my head as if it'll give me an answer.

Semi just sighed at my stupidity,
"Look, he might be so frikin excited about that kiss he didn't wanna talk about it?"
I glared at him with a what-makes-you-so-sure face.
"Yea ok never mind." He said waving his hand at me,
"Honestly, who knows really.."
I looked up at him as he finished his sentence.
"We all know how unpredictable that.... boy.." he fumbled trying to find a good word to describe Satori, "could be."
He finished and looked at me, I snorted at his way of trying to make me feel better.
And we started laughing.
"Anyways, you should probably head to practice, you're gonna be late."
He looked down at his watch and back up at me telling me to shoo.

I just laughed,
"Alright, alright"
"Get going!" He demanded as if he was my mom
"Okok sheesh, bye mom!"
"Bye- wait- THE HELL (Y/N)-"
I ran upstairs holding my laugh before he could say anything else.


"Why oh why do I have to memorize this song.."

I mumbled to myself as I went home going through my music sheets.

Since I am now the official lead singer, I had to sing this song for graduation as a little talent show type of thing..

I went through the sheets, clearly frustrated at it.
I folded them and stuffed them in my pocket, and started listening to songs that are WAY better. (On top)

Looking back at some of the events from yesterday, I'm no longer scared to sing while walking home. Thanks to Satori yesterday.
So I sang most of the lyrics out loud while walking back home.

"Save the games for the girls on the tennis court.."

Then I blushed as I pass the bench that I almost fell from, only to have Satori save me...

He smelled sweet.. like roses and chocolate..

Then a thought hit me.
Do I really like him? He may be doing this just for fun... just a tease maybe?

I kept overthinking as I went my way home, headphones bursting with loud music only I can hear.

"If you feel broken, promise I won't break your heart
If you shatter, I won't let you fall apart
Why are we so complicated?
Love's a word I've always hated!"

I'm tired of people pretending to like me just to stab me behind my back. It hurts. If he's also doing this, it might as well hurt even more than most people, he's special to me.

But then, I remember all the things we did this week...
He cares about me, even helped me when no one wouldn't...

I trust him. He wouldn't do something like that..


I arrived home only to find my phone buzzing, from who?

Satori himself...

"Don't forget about tomorrow! Can't wait to take you out!"

A voice mail from Satori himself was played. I sighed as a blush crept in my face..
But I'm also glad that he's still here for me..

This idiot..

I'm SORRY for being so LONG to write this TwT. I was almost caught by my dad writing these and my friends say it's cheesy but he voted for it anyways so 👌 But yea I'll try publish 2 chapters once a while so it's prob gonna be a long wait TwT.

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now