Lonely Eyes (Tendou's POV)

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I woke up to my alarm ringing, I groggily went to the bathroom and to brush my teeth. I saw my reflection in the mirror with my hair down.

"And by the way, I think you look handsome with your hair down."

I smiled at what (Y/N) said the other day as I leaned on my sink.

Maybe I should keep it down for her today..

Oh I can't wait to see her cute reaction.


I looked over at the class window and found (Y/N) with a guy?
Please tell me this isn't what I think it is...

He kept saying shit about her and tried touching her face,
Heck this is worse than I thought.

"Fuck off."
"What did you say, Freak??"
I opened the door and approached (Y/N).

Nobody deserves to be called that, especially her.

I looked over at (Y/N) and I could see her almost crying. Hell this dude is going to pay.

I wanna punch him so bad, especially since he called her that. But if I start a fight, this'll escalate to something worse. So I took a deep breath and asked (Y/N) politely.

"(Y/N)? What's happening?"
Wait. That didn't came out right. Why do I have to be so scary?? I can see (Y/N)'s eyes filled with fear.
Fear of me.

"Pfft, what do you want, Monster? Trying to protect Ms. Freak here?"

Oh, this guy's had it.

"You heard her, " i told him off and banged on the table,
"Fuck off."

The whole class was startled, like I care. But (Y/N) too, goddammit she probably hates me now.

"Tch. Or what huh?"
"Or you'll set the real monster lose."

I can't stop, this guys bottling up my anger, but I can't make a worse impression on (Y/N)... look at her! She's scared like hell...

What am I doing??


The principal said and slammed our class door.
Well, this ain't the first time I got detention. I saw that damned jackass glaring at me, thank God he's seven seats in front of me.

I went back to my desk still glaring at him, and I took a quick glance at (Y/N).

Turns out she was also staring at me.

Usually when I look back, she'd start laughing at my oblivious face. So I start making funny faces to see more of ghat adorable laugh of hers.

But this time, she looked away and turned her head to the window.

Are you scared of me? Please don't... Just look at me, I wanna see you..

I begged in my head as I clenched on my table holding back my tears.

Please just look at me..


I couldn't focus during class, I kept thinking what I should say or do to make it up to (Y/N).

I should've known that she would be afraid of me. Everyone does.
But why am I trying to make it up to her?

The bell for lunch rang to stop me from my  thoughts. I stood up and looked directly to    (Y/N).


"Sorry I can't really eat with you today, my band and I wants to meet up in the stage today. Hope it's ok." She looked up at me with an awkward smile."

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now