Someone To You (also a big a/n)

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Your reaction just made him carry you even more as he chuckled.

I don't wanna die or fade away
I just wanna be someone

In the end, the two of you arrived. Tendou still carrying you of course. Everyone around took quick glances to the two of you with confused looks.

I just wanna be someone
Dive and disappear without a trace

"Pfft ok ok I'll put you down now."
You jumped off of him almost tumbling while he just laughed at your cute behavior.

I just wanna be someone
Well, doesn't everyone?

"You got the tickets?"

He replied taking out the tickets from his pocket and looked over the huge clock on the wall.

"We still have 10 minutes though.."
He mentioned still looking at the clock.

"Not to mention the next 10 minutes for adds.."

You just hummed,
"Wanna get snacks first?"

He looked at you smiling already up for another plan.

And if you feel the great dividing
I wanna be the one you're guiding

Eventually, you bought a whole bucket of popcorn and two cokes.

And instead of waiting in the theatre for another 10 minutes, y'all decided to go crazy and tossed the popcorn to each other's mouths.
Mainly you to Tendou though.

'Cause I believe that you could lead the way

"Aah so close!"
He just laughed at your millionth failed attempt to manage to toss the popcorn to his mouth.

"Stop moving will you!"
You ended up laughing with him and sat on a near seat with the bucket of popcorn.

Instead of sitting next to you he decided to take a handful of popcorn and shoved it in his mouth.

"Agh, Y/N look!"

He tried calling you with his mouth full only to have you laugh more and take millions of pics.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I wanna be somebody to someone, oh

Once the movie started, you couldn't help but fangirl on every scene, seeing your childhood characters being played by actors you've adored.

You keep mumbling to yourself smiling eating your popcorn not knowing that the redhead next to you was watching you with awe.

I never had nobody and no road home
I wanna be somebody to someone

You started whisper singing unconsciously when the intro turned on.

Tendou on the other hand couldn't help but snicker a bit at your behavior.

"Nothin' you just look cute."

And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall

You were a blushing mess when he said that, thank God the theater was dark so he couldn't see it.

I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone

Instead of getting flustered with the boy next to you, you kept your focus towards the movie but that's just what made Tendou smile at you.

Someone to you

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now