F**k, I'm Lonely

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Quick note:  for the bolded and italic words, that's you and Tendou's part.

"So, how far is your house?"
Satori asked (Y/N) as they were about to go out of school.
"Just a few blocks away from here. Probably about 5 minutes."
He nodded as the girl took out her phone to listen to something.
Before she was about to play a song she l thought it was kind of rude to wear headsets in front of someone, especially HIM.

So she shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"What's wrong?"
Satori looked at the (h/c) girl confused as he saw her put back the phone in her pocket.

"Uhm well. I was about to listen to something but then I remembered you're here with me so.."
She avoided his eyes as I walk to the directions home.

"Awww (Y/N) cares about me more than her music? "
He teased.
"Of course I do, idiot.."
She muttered, but he heard her and chuckled.

"You're so cute, (Y/N).."
He looked down at her smiling softly as the two walked.
The flustered girl looked up at him and covered her face looking away from him.

He just laughed again,
"You know, I really don't mind if you wanna listen to something right now.."

The surprised girl looked up at him for reassurance as he nodded.

"I like music too you know~"
He pouted playfully making the girl giggle.
"I know," i took out my phone about to play something, "I like your song.."

He looked at her flustered and shook his head.

The girl brought the phone up to his face,
"You know this?"

The excited girl showed him the song on the phone and he snatched the phone from her hands.

The girl got surprised shouted telling him to give it back.
Sadly, since he's way taller than her, he took the phone and played the song on full volume.

The girl started getting embarrassed as passing bystanders looked at the two while the boy started playing the song.

"Playing the song!"
He said while humming the tunes. And sang the lyrics.

"I call you one time, two time, three time
I can't wait no more
Your fingers through my hair, that's on my mind"

He sang holding the phone, making hand gestures. On the last few words he looked at the embarrassed (h/c) girl winking.
(Y/N) blushed still trying to get the phone while walking.
It was as if he actually meant those words.

"Give it back, Satori!"
She told him trying to grab my phone.
"Ah ah ah not now, Lovebird."
He said flicking her forehead as he continued singing the next lyrics.

"I know it's been a minute since you walked right through that door
But I still think about you all the time"

He kept singing while she was blushing furiously. Especially this song, and thank God not a lot of people are around.

He started laughing and stopped walking to hold (Y/N)'s chin towards him with his index finger and thumb

"Oh come on, Lovebird. Sing with mee!!"
At first she hesitated.
"Come on (Y/N)~ besides, this is way better than singing on stage~"

"I don't know, I don't know
How I'm gonna make it out
I don't know, I don't know
Now you got me sayin'"

The (h/c) girl muttered looking down avoiding Tendou's eyes.
The red head looked confused until the girl looked back at him and smirked,

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now