Monsters and Freaks

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"Dear Diary,
Why, when you see boys fight does it look so horrible yet feel so right?"

This morning a guy came up to my desk before class and started saying shit about me, but this time it's different.

People usually talk about my looks and my personality, but this guy,

He's asking for hell.

"Heyy freak! I saw you eating with the boys volleyteam yesterday. What are you now huh? A slut??"

He bursted out laughing, I was in the verge of tears and i wanted to yell at him. What the actual fuck?

He kept blurting out shit and started trying to touch my face, I slapped away his arm.
"Fuck off."
"What did you say, Freak??"
I was about to say something until the class door opened.

Satori. But his hair is down?

He saw me holding back my tears and went towards my table.

"(Y/N)? What's happening?"
Even though he understood what's happening he asked with a sadistic look as he turned to look at the boy in front of me.

He visibly gulped but kept his prideful look and laughed slightly.

"Pfft, what do you want, Monster? Trying to protect Ms. Freak here? Trying to look cool with your new hairstyle?"

I widened my eyes, not only he called me a freak, but he called him a monster as well. Boy, you have NO IDEA what you've gotten yourself into.

"You heard her, " Satori said and banged his hand on my table,
"Fuck off."

The whole class was startled, even me. But the guy just had to win so desperately he had to fight back.

"Tch. Or what huh?"
"Or you'll set the real monster lose."

Damn, Satori is one hell of a monster.
I love it. Normal people might think he's scary, but...
I'm not normal, right?

I widened my eyes looking at his sadistic smile,
God he's gorgeous, his smile, his eyes, and his hair is down...

The boy tried hitting my arm to get my attention away from Satori but Satori held it, so the boy ended up hitting his hand instead.

Then the boys fought, and of course, Satori has the upper hand.

Some of the students started panicking and got scared of Satori and some called the teachers in and ooh man big trouble.

While I'm just petrified. He helped me. He's scary, but I like it? It's so scary it became beautiful to watch him like this.

What are you doing to me, Satori?

In the end Satori and the boy both got detention after school and I had to explain the whole thing to the teachers as the victim in the scene.


The bell rang signaling it's lunch time. I stayed at my table scattering to find my lunch box.

Tendou's POV
I sat up from my desk and looked at (Y/N).
I let my hair down because she said I looked handsome like this?
I wanted to tease her with it but I think it's not the time...
Is she scared of me now? I knew I shouldn't act like that in front of her...

I went up to her quietly,
"Uh hey."

She looked up from under her desk and hit her head.
"Ah, fuck..." , she cursed at herself rubbing her head as she got up to look at me.

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now