Tendou's Birthday (Special)

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Ok this has nothing to do with the story but I really wanna do smth for his bday and I got this idea from my mom watching how to make sushi and stuff so yeah enjoy! And I'm sorry for being a day late TwT

I was walking home from work and turns out it was raining. Since I didn't bring an umbrella I went to the nearest building and decided to stay there until the rain stops.

I recklessly went in a random shop only to find it as a sushi restaurant, it was quite crowded and I immediately regretted going in but it's still raining outside so fuck it.

I sat in the table that faces the itamae and went to take my phone until a shadowy figure came in front of me.

"Heyoo! What would you like to order, missy?"
I looked up to see the itamae...

Damn he's hot...

He looks really intimidating but that's just what makes him attractive. He had a tall lanky figure and red hair with soul piercing red eyes.
Jesus, I can't take my eyes off him...

I shook my head as I took the menu in my table and hid my face in it. He smiled still looking at me.

I stared at the menu hoping he'll stop looking at me until a finger showed up from the top of the menu.

" I suggest the Norimaki, it's really good and I can make it for ya."
He pointed his finger to the sushi with the name "Norimaki" written on it. Instead of giving the silent treatment, might as well tease him,
"Oh really? Why should I order that?"
He just smirked
"Cause you're taking to long to order something and it's pretty, just like you."
He leaned closer to me and just stared at me.

A huge blush came on my face and I started covering it with the menu again as he laughed and sat up again.

"One Norimaki coming right up!"
He said as he started making it in front of me. His hands are so gentle and careful. He molded the rice and rolled it with the seaweed gently.. I've gotten mesmerized..

I stared in awe watching him make it, not knowing a blush was forming in my face.

"Here you are!"
He finished making it and broke my train of thoughts.
Once I started eating he kept looking at me..
"Don't you have other customers to tend?"
"Well missy, in case you haven't noticed, you're the only one here."
I looked around and he was right, I was the only one there. So I just ate while he looked at me in silence. It didn't feel awkward or anything it just felt peaceful.


I finished the roll and he gave me tea to drink. I took out my wallet and started taking some money,
"So how much do I pay-"
"On the house."
"....no I can't accept this-"
"Please, it's alright."
I watched him smile at those words as he held my hands that were holding the wallet. I looked at him with eyes wide open.
"Well, there should be a way I can repay you for this.."
He turned around to the counter and scribbled in a piece of paper. Then he turned back to me and gave me the paper.
"Maybe come back next time? Or call me."
I can't believe it... the hot itamae just gave me his number?

I just smiled looking at the paper, it had his name written on it.
"Tendou Satori?"
He smiled and nodded
"I'll see you tomorrow then."
I said as I left the restaurant waving at him.

Tendou's POV:
It's the next day and it's already 8pm... she's not here yet...
Not even a single text...
I sighed as I cleaned up the kitchen...
I didn't even got her name....
The front door chime rang,
"Hey! Sorry if I was late, work is killing me."
It was her... she came....
My eyes widened as she sat down in front of me and started rummaging in her bag.
"You came back..."
I mumbled to myself, didn't think she'd hear me.... But she did, and she perked up her head to look at me.
"Of course I did. I wanna see the infamous itamae known as Tendou Satori", she smiled.

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now