Thank You, Furudate

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Okokok i read the last manga and I crieddd.

Ik people would prob not read this so imma try make this as short as possible and still try to give my life story about it. AND AVOID SPOILERS. Ik it's cheesy and shit but hear me out.

I always hid myself as a bg character and never rly open up to anyone, even if my friends ask, I'd only answer "I'm fine" but Ik I wasn't.

At 7th grade my anxiety disorder increased and made me feel worse and ended up being a bully figure.

Yelling in class, cursing to others, I never wanted to be a bully or ever thought I was one until my friends pointed it out to me as a joke.

This was before I got to know haikyuu or became a weeb. But my friends helped me take my mind off things with anime (BNHA in particular) which made me a weeb and feel better in a way or two. Long story short, I got along with most of the class (which are weebs).

I first knew haikyuu after school. We had a group work together in the library and my friend from grade school from another class decided to annoy us by telling us to watch haikyuu.

In all honesty, I didn't want to in the first place so she showed the boys which ofc will make me change my mind lol.

The first that made me change my mind was Kuroo.

His appearance at least, he looked pretty cool and I really liked him at first and immediately watched haikyuu when I went home.

A lot of the fictional characters from a lot of fandoms have taught me a lot more than actual people do. And in haikyuu, I'll only show a few big ones even tho a lot has helped me.

In the end I liked Kenma first, he showed me that playing games isn't wrong. I was alway scared of getting scold if I played too much games back then so I stopped in fear. But now I got back into games knowing that there's nothing to be afraid of and as long as your happy, you'll be ok. Even if I suck its ok cuz as long as your happy doing it, keep doing it. He also taught me to open to others more cuz people do care about you and you don't need to worry.
(Therefore I love this pudding head).

Kuroo became the character that reminds me of me. Which taught me to love myself more cuz I always hated myself. He wasn't a role model but he made me see how being me is already enough and I don't need to worry about what others think of me.

Tendou is one of my favorites, like Kuroo, he taught me that there's nothing wrong with being yourself and doing what you love. But he also taught me that life sucks and people are cruel but that doesn't mean we have to be as well. Which made me hate the fact I hated people and myself, and to this day I'm still trying to change.

Ushijima is literally my role model. A left handed ace is what made me realize that us lefty's aren't that bad. I hated my drawings cuz I'm left handed, or I can't sit on those stupid chairs with right armrests which made it frustrating. But he made me realize lefty's can actually do something amazing and I look up to him for showing me that.

But ofc a lot more and a lot also thought me other stuffs too. Like Yamaguchi who thought me to try your best if you want to get it and Kageyama that if people leave unit doesn't mean u should quit or give up.

I also wanna thank one of my friend that I wasn't rly close to but thanks to haikyuu we got along. Even tho he might be a pain in the ass sometime (a lot).

He got me into volleyball, made new friends, form a volleyball team, and turns out we have other things in common too. Heck, we even got along with teachers who play volleyball with us and influence THEM to watch haikyuu.

Even if I do play volleyball, ik i still suck and I'm not gonna try to be better. Ik I'm not good for volleyball but I'm just glad that I got to play a sport I enjoy so much now.

Other than that, I've met a lot of new friends online thanks to haikyuu and now we're friends after 6 months or so.  And with my artwork going around in instagram, and these stories made me feel like I'm actually useful for once.

Long story short, I'm in 8th grade, I still suffer with anxiety and still have problems but now, I wanna thank haikyuu for making me realize to look at the good things that happened in my life and try to accept myself as who I am which is the hardest thing I could possibly do.

Particularly thanks to Furudate.

Not only that, but Furudate has given me the inspiration to make my own characters and stories. And to always try your best to succeed at something you want to achieve.

Ik this is frikin cheesy and cringe but it's true, and ik I'm not a "true" haikyuu fan that has been watching for years or so but it helped me a lot and I'm very thankful for that and I hope I won't get hate for this lol.

So I just wanna say thank you to Furudate for this amazing story you've created that changed my life.

And feel free to comment anything y'all wanna say! I'll try my best to reply all of them in this chapter in case y'all wanna ask about smth or just chat! :)

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