s i x | Meeting Wu

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When the big white....thing finally drove to our destination I was pretty much stuck in shock.

When at last we made it we were heading towards.....A DOCK?!!! Oh no, now he's really going to kill me.

So, I did what anyone else would do, I unbuckled, grabbed his leg and thrust his calf forward making his foot slam on the break.

We lurched to a sudden stop and Zane blinked. "Why did you do that?" He asked innocently.

  "Why did I do that-are you frick'n kidding me? You are going to kill us both by driving like a crazy person over a frick'n dock into the water where we therefor drown!" I screamed at him. Look, I was stressed okay?

  His brow furrowed. "But we are not going into the water, we are stopping at the docks to get to Master Wu's ship."

  I think my eye started doing that twitching thing. "He lives on a ship?"

"Sometimes, usually he lives at the monastery." He said pleasantly. "Now I advise you to sit down as I park."

I just stared at him for a moment. "I hate you." Then I stepped back into my seat.

He carefully did a perfect parallel park the smug show off before letting the hatch open. I climbed out, tripping a little and stumbled onto the wooden planks of the dock.

When I looked up I gasped at the beautiful ship. It had large sails and a shiny clean haul.

Oh look and a tranquil looking old man. He wore a straw hat and white robes, he opened his eyes, twitching his long white Beard before picking up his stick and hopping easily off the side of the ship onto the dock.

"Hello Gwendolyn." He greeted me, his voice was wise and had an accent. Also, Gwendolyn honestly I am seriously hating these people. Would it be rude to kick an old man?

Zane noticed my scrunched up mouse face as Riley calls it.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Please call me Gwen" I ignored him and directed the words to Wu. "Also do you teach yoga?"

  Wu squinted at me. "Is that some sort of slang?"

  "Master Wu, I think it would be best if we discussed inside of the Bounty." Zane cut in.

"Agreed Zane." He then proceeded to do an impressive flip onto the ship.

Crap. How can an old man out maneuver me?

Zane smiled. "Would you like some help?"

"No I got this." I said with fake confidence. I bounced on my heels to get some adrenaline going before I ran for it, and I totally jumped to short. Before I crashed hard into the tiny gap between the dock and the boat something cold and slippery rose high before forming a slide and dumping me into the deck.

  I turned to see a frick'n ice slide and Zane had his hand shot out, a small light blue glow around it. He dropped his arm and smiled at me.

  I stared at him. "That's new."


  "Have you heard of the Secret Ninja Force?" Wu asked as he poured some tea. I cupped the small teacup in my hands and breathed in the aroma before siping.

  "No." I answered.

  "The Not-So-Secret Ninja Force was a program I led for gifted people with elemental power." Wu explained.

  "Wait, elemental power?" I set down my cup.

  "We used to train and work in secret, stopping an opponent named Lord Garmadon." Zane continued. "Until Lloyd made peace with Garmadon, who is his father."

  I scrunched up my face and pinched my nose. "Wait a second, so you guys have elemental power?"

  "I am the master of ice." Zane said, he raised his hand and flicked it to where Wy was pouring some more tea, the cup he was holding became encased with ice.

  Wu looked thoroughly annoyed. "We used to be secret ninja's but after the Meowthra incident we decided it wasn't worth it anymore." Zane had as small smile on his face.

  "I think I heard something like that on the news." I frowned. I remembered painting a giant cat that day.

  I raised my fingertips to my temple. "This is so confusing."

  "Well, I'm sure you're not here to talk about the ninja." Wu said finally, setting down his iced tea-gettit?

  "No, my grandmother left me something when she passed and apparently Zane needs to talk to you about her riddle." I told him, taking out the note.

  Zane explained the invisible ink and raised it for Wu to see.

  "This is very serious." Wu agreed. "Tell me, what was your grandmothers name?"

  "Nana? Emily O'Hannah." I said.

  Wu's brow furrowed. "Yes, I remember Emily. She used to live in Ninjago city."

  "Really?" I blinked.

  "Yes, when she was a young girl she would go and write in the monastery gardens." Wu thought more. "She was there when we relocated my father's burial spot." Okay that's creepy.

  "Emily was like a little sister to me." Wu finished.

  I squinted. "How old are you exactly?"
  "The message says: when water turns to ice." Zane recited. "What does that mean?"

  "In order to enter the grave of The First Spinjitzu master you have to have a master of ice." Wu explained. "I designed it with a special fast running water feature that would take a water element a lot of strength to move, whereas a master of ice would transform it."

   "Uh huh." I nodded like that made the most sense in the world.

"Is it alright that we enter the grave?" Zane asked. I think this is a horror movie.

  Wu nodded. "If Emily said we needed to go there, then we will go."

  "Great! Uh, we aren't going in Zane's ice car right?"

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