e l e v e n | Morning Coffee & My Daily Dose Of Near Death

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Zane was a morning person. I was not. I know, artsy girl seems to stereotypically like to wake up early. Well here's the reality folks I don't. Especially after recently drowning.

I stumbled into the kitchen in my embarrassing puppy pyjamas and poured myself some coffee. Zane, Lloyd, and Garmadon stared wide-eyed at my fashion choice.

I barely registered their existence as I frantically worked to get caffeine into my system.

I turned with the mug in my hands to see everyone watching me. "G'morning." I mumbled, snatching a croissant from the serving tray.

Koko smiled warmly but also gave me an egg on a plate. Ugh, who wants protein?

"Hello Gwen." Wu greeted me. "You have a interesting choice in night wear.

I was to tired to be embarrassed so I just raised an eyebrow and nibbled on my croissant, slyly sliding the egg onto Zane's plate.

"As you know Zane and I figured out the riddle." Wu continued. "And I've been able to locate the area."

  "Really?" That made me more awake. I shook the rest of the foggiest out of my head. "Where?"

  "By a yoga studio." Reagan answered like it was the most normal thing in the world as she nudged Lloyd out of the way to take a strawberry from the bowl.

  I furrowed my brow. "Am I missing something?"

  "About two years ago we had an attack by some of dad's old evil generals who were angry about him launching them out of a volcano." Lloyd explained. "A bomb triggered during the battle. Dad and I were trapped in the mech that was about to explode and Reagan drove my dragon into the giant mech to save us. She could've died and was close to being in an eternal coma. Thankfully she woke."

I noticed his hand slip to Reagan's, she gave him a small smile.

"So where do praying mantisesis...ziz...come into thises?" I asked getting tongue tied on the stupid word praying mantisesis....dammit.

"Well the mech was designed with inspiration from a praying mantis." Lloyd explained.

"So you think that maybe that's where the clue is?"

"Not exactly, it says travel by storm." Zane recalled. "The generals and the pieces of the destroyed mech are on an secured island with lots of security. We will be able to get through security but the generals may not want us there."

  "And it's a storm because...?" I placed my plate in the dishwasher.

  "The current that leads there is called The Storm Channel, a fast moving and dangerous current and apparently your grandmother wants us to take it." Zane told me.

  "And conveniently the weather isn't the greatest as well as some mysterious people seem to be after us." Wu continued. He raised a white eyebrow. "Do you have any idea who tried to kill you?"

  "Gee, do I have any idea who attempted to murder me?" I said sarcastically. "If I knew that do you think I'd be eating my breakfast la-dee-da and never tell you?"

"That was not necessary." Zane  frowned.

  I rolled my eyes. "Lloyd this may be bigger than we thought, can you call the ninja?" Wu asked.

  Lloyd blinked. "What do you think is wrong?"

"I'm not sure but someone managed to find that tunnel to the tomb." Wu said grimly.

  "Gwendolyn , you better get ready." Zane told me.

  Reagan jumped up as well. "I'm coming too."

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