Chapter 8

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Since I know that canon already started. I proceeded to the bridge where Raynare will meet Issei. Yes, the obvious confession bridge.

It took me a while to walk there but I got there on time. I know that the fallen angel picked this kind of situation, it was to make her chances higher because of the atmosphere.

So, I waited.

I hear some footsteps.

'She's here' Issei thought.

"E-excuse me... You're Hyoudou Issei, from Kuoh Academy, aren't you?" A mysterious girl spoke.

I faced her way.


Oh come on. I scouted the whole town, and I haven't seen that school uniform anywhere.

"U-um." The girl nervous.

"Did you need something from me?"

"E-eto. Hyoudou-kun, are you seeing anyone right now?" The girl asked.

Cut the crap women!

"No, no one, really..."

"T-that's terrific!" The girl cheered.

Oh my god. I'm dying inside.

"Would you mind... Going out with me?" The girl finally confessed.

"What did you just..." Issei pretend acting.

"For a while, I've watched as you passed by here... and... Hyoudou-kun, I..." The girl said slowly.

Issei my man. How can you fall for this? Well I can understand your inexperience with women, but seriously? You weren't suspicious about this at all?

"I want- I want you to please be my boyfriend!"



"Wake up! Wake up! If you don't get up, I'll kiss you. Wake up! Wake up! Wake-" Issei turned off the alarm.

What? I took a liking to my alarm clock, it's one of Issei's possession that I kept.

"It's 3:00 A.M. already... I better start my daily routine."

What happened yesterday was eventful. But of course, I accepted the confession. Now I just need to meet up with her and walk to school with her. It will be pretty hard to act natural though.


"N-nani!?" Matsuda shocked.

"H-how!?" Motohama also shocked.

Well of course they are.

"Yeah, this is Amano Yuuma." Issei introduced.

"These are my buds, Matsuda and Motohama." Issei also introduced.

"Nice to meet you" Yuuma greeted.

I grabbed Matsuda's shoulder and said to his ears.

"And yes, she's my... girlfriend."

Both are frozen from shock.

"Let's go, Yuuma-chan"

Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD fanfic) [Currently Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now