Chapter 3

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If you are asking what I'm doing right now. I am currently doing a push up.

"21...22...23...24- gah! This body is really weak! I can't even get to 25!" Issei said frustrated.

I'm doing a push up because I needed to grow some muscles, well not before some warmup, I even started jogging. Next up is sit up, though it will be a low count for now but I'm sure, in my gut, that it will get better in the future.

Now, I need to learn a way of fighting style that is suitable for me, a balanced kind of martial art, because duhh what's the use of power if you don't have speed? Or what's the use of punching if you can't kick? Or maybe yet what's the use of venom in a mosquito if you just want a meal? Just take my blood without making me scratch my freaking body!!!

I might be asking for a lot, but I need to learn 1 or 2 martial arts to balance my fighting style, Like Taekwondo or Boxing for example...

That's it! I'm gonna learn Taekwondo and Boxing! Taekwondo is specialized in huge reach so it's basically mid-range, Taekwondo is weak in close-range and that's where boxing comes in! With its fast punches, good footing, and it's specialty is in close-range. Alright I have decided, I'm gonna learn this two.

But the problem is. Where am I gonna learn this stuff? In Kuoh Academy there's no Taekwondo or Boxing Club, do I need to go to a city or something? Sigh. I'll just think of a solution after I'll get some muscle.

Though at that time I didn't know I was gonna get the solution to my problem, that easily. Unexpectedly.

[A/N: If you know God of Highschool, I'm going to add some stuff from there to here:) ]


The next day.

Today is Saturday, so no school, I have time to burn. I woke up early, the time is 3:30 A.M. By the way, I sleep at 7:30 P.M. so, it sorta balances it out. I started jogging, I keep doing this for a week and a half, sometimes I over-exhaust myself just to get an edge for some insane things that are coming.

My goal is to jog through the whole town. At first, I can't even do half my neighborhood, but now I can at least jog through 1/3rd of the town with some rest.

I'm slowly arriving at the park, I decided to take some rest.

"Damn this is really hard, I still can't find someone to coach me in Martial Arts. So troublesome... *sigh* I'll just continue jogging for now and hope for the best." I said tired.

"Did you just say Martial Arts young man?"

"Huh!? What the-!? Who are you!?" I jumped out of my seat in surprise.

I didn't even notice him or hear him got close and he's so bulky! He looks so hella wild with his hair and... Why does his outfit looked like it was ripped cloth. Damn, this guy beats Dwayne Johnson in terms of bulkiness! How come I didn't notice him!? He seems to be carrying a child though, the child seems to be sleeping, oh I see he's a parent, or maybe a close relative?

"Oh me? I'm just a humble Martial Artist who specializes in Taekwondo! My name is Jin Tae-Jin!" The man known as Jin Tae-Jin replied.

His name sounds so familiar.

"Wait you're Korean? How come you're speaking Japanese?" I asked confused.

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm speaking Korean, right now. I'm the one who should be surprised, because you seem fluent in speaking Korean that I almost mistook you for one" Jin said.

Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD fanfic) [Currently Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now