Chapter 18

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Streets. Morning.

Asia and I are currently walking to school, and I'm pretty tired as usual. Asia keeps giving me glances.

"What is it, Asia?"

"Are you okay Issei-san? You are full of bandages; does it have to do with last night? Your room was pretty loud." Asia concerned.


Last night.



The magic blew up in my face.


Ughh. I thought I put up Concealment Magic? I guess it wasn't very potent. I had an extremely difficult time doing what I did, I was pretty new to Dragon Magic and didn't prepare for possible explosions in my face. Ddraig even said it's not advisable for a non-draconic to use Dragon Magic, even with the help of the Gear.

"Kiryuu-san said, that if it's noisy in a boy's room he might be masturbating." Asia innocently said.

"...No Asia, I wasn't masturbating. I was doing something else and you really shouldn't be listening to Aika. And my masturbation isn't that destructive to give me these bandages."

That pervert!!!

"If you say so. But Issei-san, you look really tired are you gonna be okay? Tonight, is our team match. I can heal you if you want?"

"I'm fine, just a little rest and I'll be fine."

Asia still looks concerned but decided to drop it. I think I got this bad habit from Master Jin when I was still training, he trained me too strictly, I guess too much discipline backfired on me. But Master Jin said I'll get used to it, hence forming the bad habit. I guess it wasn't too bad as it helps me train and practice more proactively.


School Gym. Night.

The ORC members are stretching and warming up, including me. Koneko is helping me stretch. Everyone's attire is either P.E. uniform or tracksuit.

"I think it's been awhile since I've played dodgeball. Urgh! Koneko be gentler."

"Sorry. This can't be anymore gentler though." Koneko monotonously said.


"The object here us to win, so going with the simple rules is the best." Buchou threw the ball to Kiba.

Kiba caught it.

"Whoops. Even Asia learned the game right away." Kiba smiled.

"Owie! I can't take it anymore!" Asia is being helped by Akeno-senpai.

"Just hang on a little more, okay~?" Akeno-senpai cheered.

"O-okay!" Asia mustered.

Wow yuri action, I'm enchanted.

Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD fanfic) [Currently Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now