Chapter 1

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"I just really don't see what your fascination is with hunting. We ride off into often bandit infested woods just to shoot at a few animals!" Merlin exclaims.

Merlin was riding beside Arthur along with Gwaine, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon, and Percival. Once again, they were on a hunting trip, which has always had such wonderful turnouts in the past. In light of that fact, Merlin was once again arguing with the Crown Prince over the matter.

"Merlin, Merlin, Merlin... hunting is a matter of honor. And we eat what we catch, so you can stop crying about killing innocent animals with no purpose," Arthur replies.

"At the very least I don't see why I have to come!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Gwaine interjects, "to make us dinner! Speaking of which I'm beginning to grow quite hungry princess."

"Well you'll just have to wait until we catch something. Sooner or later-" he suddenly stops.

"Sooner or later..." Gwaine starts, but it cut off by Arthur raising his hand.

Arthur turns and looks around. He could've sworn he heard something nearby. Hopefully it's a deer. He signals for his men to raise their bows and start looking. Then, out of the trees runs a large group of bandits. Luckily the knights got a few shots off before they were fully thrust into battle. About half of the knights had gotten off of their horses to fight the large group. They defeated scoundrel after scoundrel, yet more came. Merlin, who was still on his horse, helped wherever he could. Branches fell on people's heads or bandits would mysteriously drop their swords. He was so focused on the battle that he didn't even notice a cloaked figure walking out of the trees. Suddenly, he felt a force throw him off of his horse. Before he had time to react he was being held by both arms unable to move or do anything other than catch his breath.

"Drop your weapons!" One of the bandits near Merlin yelled, "Or he dies."

The man held a sword to Merlin's throat.

"Merlin!" Lancelot yelled.

"If you hurt him I swear I will gut you-" Gwaine starts advancing.

"Ah ah..." the bandit presses his blade against Merlin's throat, drawing a drop of blood.
"If you truly care about the boy's life, I would suggest you drop their weapons."

Merlin meets Arthur's eyes, completely unsure of what he wants Arthur to do. However, Arthur just saw his friend in trouble.

"Drop them," he orders.

One by one each of his knights threw their weapons to the ground. Right as they let go of their weapons they were restrained. Merlin shook his head. They shouldn't have done that. How on earth will he get them out of this one without them finding out?

Just then a cloaked figure walks out of the woods. Arthur attempts to question the figure, but he receives no answer. The figure is solely turned to Merlin; almost studying him.

"Are you just going to stand there all day afraid to show us your face?" Arthur yells, trying to gain the figures attention.

This time it works. The figure faces Arthur and pulls back her hood just enough to reveal that it is a woman.

"What do you want with us?"

Again, no answer. She simply holds out a pain of handcuffs. All the knights looks at the cuffs wearily, assuming that they will be used for Arthur. Then she finally starts speaking in some other tongue.

"Bydd hun yn gaeth i mi!"

Her eyes flash gold and golden runes began to shine on the cuffs. The knights all stare at her with jaws clenched trying not to show their fear. Meanwhile, all failed to notice Merlin's fear filled eyes shaking his head no. He could feel the power radiating off of them. They felt cold and dark. Somehow he knew that those cuffs were not meant for Arthur.

"Sorcery..." Arthur whispered, getting his bearings.

The woman simply smirked at him and turned to face Merlin. At this point Merlin recoils. He struggles with all his might against his guards but that simply earns him some more people to grab onto him. Nonetheless, he continues to struggle. The guards bring his hands together as Merlin starts to plead for her not to put those wretched cuffs on him. Meanwhile he could not even hear the knights in the distance. The woman reaches him and puts his wrists into place.

"No no no, please!" He begs, still trying to get his hands free.

The moment that she locks the cuffs, Merlin lets out an unearthly scream. His eyes flash gold, and all at once he goes limp. The woman smirks at her handiwork.

I'm baaaack! So quarantine has given me a ton of time to write; therefore, I have a new story! I'm gonna do some warnings now. This is definitely a bit darker than either of my other stories. I tried to stay pretty mild, but there is some torture and stuff. Trying to give warnings without giving anything away. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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