Chapter 7

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Warning: Torture.

Once again Merlin was dropped in front of Edith's throne and forced into a kneeling position. This time, he kept his head up and looked her in the eye.

"Well you certainly seem more perky this morning. How did you sleep?"


"An answer too! Well this is a special day."

"Let's just get this over with. What do you want Edith?"

"Well I believe I already told you what I want overall. But today, I was thinking that we could put your magic to more practical use."

"Such as?"

"Getting information."

That made Merlin pause. He did not like where this could be going. Edith eyes him, a cruel smile appearing on her face.

"Guards, bring him in! And make sure that this one stands behind me."

The guards grabbed Merlin by the arms and brought him so he was standing a few feet away behind the throne. Then another set of guards brought in this man, and made him kneel in front of Edith. He didn't look like the nicest type. In fact he looked vaguely familiar.

"Welcome," Edith addressed the man,
"So kind of you to join us."

"I didn't come here by choice," he growled.

"So I hear that you have some information you want to give me... the whereabouts of a certain you know who?"

She rose from her chair a walked in front of him. He stayed still as a stone, not acknowledging her one bit.

"No? Nothing you want to say?" She paused.
"Well then, you will tell me what I wish to know or Merlin here will give you a reason to tell me."

"What!" Merlin's eyes grew wide.

He attempted to take a step back but he was grabbed by the guards and held in place. He remained shocked and unmoving. She was going to make him torture someone? No, he couldn't do that. It's against everything he believes about magic.

"Of course," she smirked.
"Why, maybe we ought to test it out, just so my prisoner here can have some motivation to talk."

Merlin shook his head slightly. Even as he refused he started to feel the magic right beneath the skin. He was determined not to let it free.

"Come on Merlin I'm sure you know the spell. Make him feel pain, even just for a few seconds."

Merlin felt as if he was burning. The guards were holding him up because he could barely stay on his feet. He closed his eyes to focus.

"Oh, come now Merlin. You've got this."
She walked over to him and leaned in close to him ear.
"Teimlo poen."

It was as if something burst inside of Merlin. For a couple moments he felt excruciating pain, like he had never felt before. He let out a scream and all of a sudden it came to a stop. His legs gave out beneath him and he would've fallen if not for the two guards holding him.

Unbeknownst to Merlin, who had his eyes closed, a wave of golden magic burst from him, hitting everyone in the room and knocking the wind out of them. Edith herself staggered back a few steps trying to keep herself steady. After recovering herself, she could no longer contain her anger. She walked up to Merlin and slapped him in the face, gaining his awareness.

"How dare you?! You really think you can defy my orders? You are stupid! You are only wasting your energy and bringing pain on yourself."

"And apparently making your life harder," Merlin countered smugly.

Edith stopped. She could not let his stubbornness get the best of her. She took a deep breath and recomposed herself.

"Stand up."

Merlin didn't really have a choice. The knights pulled him back up to his feet.

"Well, now that we've gotten that nonsense over with, let's go back to business. Since Merlin here has wasted much of his energy on that lights show, he should now be fully capable of listening."

She turned back to her prisoner with a cruel smirk on her face. The man still remained passive.

"So, as I was saying earlier, you have some information that I want. After that little display of power, I doubt you want any of that directed at you."

"I do not fear a serving boy," the man spit.

"A serving boy? So I assume you know who this is?"

"I've heard of him," he looked at Merlin with disgust.

Why did he know Merlin? Merlin had no idea where this man was from. He looked vaguely familiar but he didn't know where from.

"Well, fear him or not he is very capable of making your life much more miserable. So tell me, where is she?" Edith pressed.

"I don't know who you're referring to."


This time Merlin couldn't stop it. His eyes flashed gold as his magic was torn from him.

"No..." Merlin whispers as his eyes widened in horror. He watched as the man doubled over in pain.

If only that was the last time he had to see it.

This continued for what felt like forever. She would question, the man wouldn't answer, and then Merlin was forced to torture this man for information. By the end Merlin was yelling along with him. Each time he would try to fight the spell, and each time it resulted in pain with no reward. Finally, Edith must have decided she had enough. She ordered her men to take the prisoner back to wherever he was being kept. That left her, a few guards, and Merlin.

"Well, I guess it's only right for me to thank you. Despite your reluctance, you did the job well."

All Merlin could do is glare at her with hate.

"Of course it would all be so much easier if you didn't fight."

"I will always fight," he said through gritted teeth.

"Why? It's pointless to do so. Besides, you might as well get used to it. That's all you're good for now."

"No! Magic should be used for good, not for destruction!"

Edith laughed.
"Oh Merlin. You think you're so good. One day you'll see that your only gift is destruction. Take him away!"

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