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Morgana did end up remaining in the dungeons, just as she said she would. However, she was given a cot to sleep on and some new clothes. Over time, she started to gain more visitors. Gwen visited her once and soon after she came to visit every few days. Even Arthur made his way down a few times; although he had to be a lot more careful since he was running the kingdom.

Merlin still visited every day, just as he did before. He tried to act as though nothing had changed for a while, but they both noticed their conversations getting longer and deeper. They understood each other, and before long they felt safe by one another's side. As time stretched on they continued to grow closer, finally mending the relationship that had broken.

About six months after they had all returned from being captured, the prince had his huge birthday celebration. As per usual, someone was trying to assassinate Arthur and Uther was caught in the crossfire. The next day, Uther died. Arthur made no magical attempt to save him. As much as it pained him, Arthur knew that letting his father go would be best for the kingdom. Arthur was crowned king a few days later.

As promised to both Edith and the two sorcerers, Arthur repealed the ban on magic. Though it was not easy, the kingdom eventually reached a time of peace and plenty. Everything was so peaceful that they had all nearly forgotten about their time in captivity. Merlin's magic was no longer kept in the dark and Morgana was back in Camelot. Arthur was the great king the legends foretold him to be with Guinevere ruling by his side.
It seemed the nothing could possibly go wrong.


Edith looked around to make sure no one was following before entering the cave. She knew she had waited too long to return, but she wanted to be sure her plan had worked. Otherwise the punishment could be dire. She kept walking until she finally found what she was looking for. Then, she kneeled before the three witches known as the Disir.

"My ladies. I have returned upon completing the task of the triple goddess."

"You have done well. Although, your methods are questionable."

"My methods are irrelevant. Arthur sits on the throne of Camelot, magic is allowed in the kingdom, and Emrys is now known as king of all magic creatures. Destiny is restored."

"Take care in how you speak to us. You are very confident in yourself, young child. It may be your downfall."

Edith bowed her head and nodded. The Disir took turns speaking with every sentence. It was eerie enough to catch the most seasoned warrior off guard.

"Yes, you have corrected destiny. But I believe you have misjudged a part of your plan."

"What do you mean?"

"What of the Lady Morgana?"

"Morgana? She was taken back to Camelot as prisoner. She's of little importance."

"The last high priestess is of vital importance! Her and Emrys' destinies are entwined! She is the darkness to his light-"

"The hatred to his love; I know! I've heard this all before."

"The destinies they share are most fragile. He is her destiny and he is her doom. The last high priestess was foretold to be the one who would rise up against the Once and Future King and Emrys. However, because of their entangled destinies they share a connection that no one else does. This has always allowed for the potential of their destinies to become one, connected by a power deeper than those even of the Old Religion."

"What are you saying that they're in love? Even if they are, what does that have to do with destiny?"

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before their destinies converge, leaving an original destiny unfulfilled. One must take her place. There must always be a power to fight against Emrys; otherwise he is nothing. Destiny must be righted, or the world will see grave consequences."

"So you need to high priestess to take the place of Morgana in the fight against Camelot? This person will have the power and the means to defeat Emrys?"

"They will have the potential to. This future is not set in stone."

Edith smirked, seeing a window of opportunity in front of her. Power, fame, even legends laid out before her on a silver platter. She bowed before the Disir with resolve.

"I will take the place of Morgana Pendragon. I will be the downfall of the Once and Future king."

The end!

Actually though, sorry for the not exactly concrete ending. For some reason 'happily ever after' didn't seem quite right to end this one out. Also, sorry it took so long to post.
So, seeing as this 'ending' is completely and utterly non-conclusive, you all will either have to use your imagination or I may write a sequel. Not gonna lie, I love writing these so if you really want a sequel let me know! No guarantees on how long it will take though.
Thank you so so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it almost as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Sequel is posted! It's called Freed. Head on over and give it a read!

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