Chapter 11

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The next day Merlin was again brought out of the cells and into the throne room. He didn't ever bother to look up from the ground. Edith would be sitting in her throne glowering down at him getting ready for whatever new form of torture she was going to use that day. When he was forced into a kneeling position, he still didn't bother looking up. He knew what to expect.

"Merlin," he heard a female voice filled with hatred, but it wasn't Edith's.

Apparently he didn't know what to expect! He looked up seeing that it was Morgana. Although she wasn't in the throne. She was also in chains, a guard holding her at each side. So that was who Edith was searching for all this time. Edith was in the throne, smirking. Merlin quickly recovered from his shock.

"So, did you get a new puppet to order around?" He directed at Edith.

"Not quite. Unfortunately I only have one pair of the special cuffs that you are wearing. These only contain her magic, making her powerless."

Morgana moves as if she was going to lunge at Edith. Unfortunately, the guards caught her and held her in place.

"You little witch! I am a high priestess of the Old Religion! You can't simply lock up my magic-"

"Merlin," Edith interrupted.

His eyes flashed gold and Morgana found that she could no longer speak. By the time she realized she couldn't speak, she probably wouldn't have anyways. Merlin had magic! The little brat had magic! Her jaw hung open staring at the former manservant. Merlin gave a small sad smile at the sight of her shock.

"Yeah, I have magic."

Just then Arthur walked in escorted by two guards, diverting Merlin's attention. But Morgana continued to stare at Merlin, still comprehending. She was ticked. No, far far beyond ticked. But her mind kept circling around to one still small question.

"But... why?"

That's all she had to say. Merlin knew exactly what she meant. His attention was drawn back to her. For the first time in a long time, she looked helpless. He knew what memory she was reliving. Merlin got to his feet wanting to explain, but he never got the chance.

"Why certainly is the question now, isn't it? The same question that two people in this room have been asking. Why the lies? Why the betrayal? Why the destruction?"

"Enough!" Merlin cut Edith off. She smirked, satisfied that she caused an outburst.

"Merlin," Arthur started softly, yet coldly, "you said that you abandoned Morgana."

"Abandoned?" She scoffed. "Try betrayed."

"You implied that that led to her turning. What happened?"

Morgana looked at him expectantly, to see if he would actually give an answer.

"I... I..."

He couldn't.

"You know, sire," Edith interjected, "You could just ask him to show you."

Edith held out the key in clear view of everyone. Merlin's eyes widened. This was her plan. Turn Arthur against Merlin to the point that Arthur would use Merlin's magic against him. She wants them to turn against each other.

Arthur at first seemed appalled by the prospect. He knew how much it hurt Merlin to have to own magic being used against his will. But then, how much had Merlin hurt him? Arthur needed a straight answer. For his own sanity he needed to know what happened. But if Merlin fought it he would end up hurt. He looked up at him again. Merlin was practically trembling. The same Merlin that lied to him for years. The same one that had to power to wither trees and watch the world burn around him. Arthur walked over and grabbed to key.

"Please," Merlin whispered. "Please no."

Arthur was suddenly filled with pity for the man. He didn't sign up for this. He didn't ask for all of his secrets to be poured out for everyone to see. But in the back of Arthur's mind something was pulling him to see. Something that told him that it was Arthur's right to know. Merlin wouldn't answer otherwise. Arthur would rather have the order come from himself rather than Edith. As long as Merlin didn't fight, then he shouldn't end up hurt. Arthur's mind filled with resolve as he looked up at Merlin.


Merlin looked at him with tearful eyes, already knowing where this was going. He shook his head slightly, but he knew it would be no use.

"Don't fight," Arthur ordered. "Show me what happened."

Merlin could feel his magic inside of him wanting to release, but he still tried not to let it. He couldn't relive that moment again. But whatever power was controlling him burned. Gosh, it burned!

"Merlin, stop fighting! That's an order!"

So he did. Just as he stopped fighting, he could see the scene laid out before him. It started in Gaius's chambers. Merlin walked over to the potion cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Hemlock. Then the scene changed.

Merlin and Morgana were in the throne room, with Uther asleep. Morgana was tearing up some cloth to make a rope. They could see Merlin turn his back to Morgana and pour the hemlock in his drink. He then offered her a drink but she refused. The he turned and pretended to drink it himself. He held out the water skin to her again.

"Here, I'm about to finish it."

She pondered, then smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Merlin," she took a drink.

After a few seconds they could tell it was getting harder for her to breathe. Merlin was turned from her, and wiped away a tear. He faced her and nodded, confirming what she already knew to be true. He betrayed her. He knelt to her a grabbed her shoulders. She tried to fight him off, but she didn't have the strength. Finally she gave in and let him hold her, until she lost consciousness.

The memory stopped.

Merlin dropped to the ground, no longer able or willing to hold himself up now that the spell was over. He had tears streaming quietly down his face, his head bowed in shame. Morgana herself held her head high, but even she couldn't contain her tears. She looked at Merlin with hatred. Hatred that he did this to her, and he still couldn't bring himself to look her in the eye. Coward.

Arthur looked between the two of them, realization dawning on him. Merlin poisoned her, but that wasn't all that baffled him. The way he held her as she faded. He... he loved her. And yet he poisoned her. Arthur had seen all that he needed to see. He dropped the key and turned to go back to his chambers, escorted by the guards.

"Well," Edith walked over a picked up the key, "I believe that is all I needed for today. However, you two need some time to catch up. Take them back to their cells."

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