Chapter 16

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When Merlin arrived back at the dungeon, Morgana was up, waiting. The guards chained him back up to the wall and left.

"Welcome home."

Merlin scoffed.
"This is not my definition of home."

"Well you might want to get used to it. Even if you leave here you'll probably be behind bars somewhere."

"I don't know. I know Arthur plans to take me with him; I just don't know what will happen after that."

"At this point I would consider you lucky."

"I know. I would just prefer to have my will."

After a few moments of silence, Morgana decides to approach the topic that had been bothering her for days.

"Alright, I've had enough small talk. How long have you had magic?"

Merlin looked at her in confusion. They really were going to talk about this now?

"Umm... since I was born?"

"What? That's impossible."

"Apparently not for me."

"Why didn't you tell me? You knew I had magic. You could've helped!"

"That secret was meant to be protected with my life. If anyone would've found out I would've been killed!"

"I had magic too! You really think I would've told anyone?"

"I don't know! After what you became you would've."

"If you would've helped I wouldn't have had to turn to Morgouse!"

"Wait- you... really?" He was shocked.

"I would've trusted you. I did trust you."


That wasn't what he wanted to hear. Not in the least. But Gaius and Kilgarrah were so insistent that it was a bad idea. He didn't do this to Morgana... he couldn't have. But what if he had done things differently?

"I'm sorry."

"Don't. I don't want your apology."

"Okay... Could I at least offer a truce? As long as we're in here."

Morgana chuckled.
"Still an idiot, aren't you Merlin? Fine, I can be peaceable for a few days."

"Good. What does peaceable Morgana want to talk about?"

"Hmm... you know what I miss?" She asked.


"Chicken. Chicken and bread."

Merlin couldn't help it. He laughed. Hard.


They were both abruptly woken up by the dungeon door slamming open.

"Could you be a bit more gentle?" Morgana groaned.

"Up! Both of you!" The main guard demanded as other guards started to unlock their cells.

"Both of us?" Merlin questioned.


"You'll find out when you get there. Now hurry up! She's waiting."

The guards unchained Merlin and Morgana from the wall.

"Hey!" Morgana protested as the guards grabbed her roughly by the arms.

"Are we going to have trouble?" The main guard barked.

"No, we're fine!" Merlin tried to appease the guard.
"Morgana, it'll be fine. Best not to struggle. Trust me, I know."

A couple of the guards scoffed as they brought Merlin and Morgana towards the thrown room. As they were arriving they looked to find a small group of people standing behind the throne watching. They were all rough looking men. Slave traders by the looks of it. Around the time that Merlin and Morgana were brought in, the knights were being escorted in as well. By the looks of their faces they didn't seem to know any more about what was going on than Merlin and Morgana did.

"Edith, what is this?" Arthur asked.

"These are a few wealthy people interested in those with... special talents. They are just here to watch the performance."

"This was not part of our deal!" Arthur hissed.

"Oh, don't worry. You still get first priority for your servant. It's mostly for show anyways."

"I don't know about this fine show you promised us," one of the men said.
"The boy looks too scrawny to be of any use."

"Careful," Lancelot growled.

"Enough of this nonsense," Edith brought order to the crowd.
"Thank you all for coming today to witness two of the finest sorcerers to walk the earth. We have Morgana, last high priestess of the Old Religion. She is said to be a most powerful sorceress."

"Take these cuffs off and I'll show you power," she threatened.

"Now now, no need for threats. In fact, if I were you I'd be more careful about what I say. Especially considering one meant to be more powerful than you is under my control."

"Merlin?" Morgana scoffed.


Once again, Morgana found herself shocked. Merlin is Emrys? How? Of course, he foiled her plans time and time again. It all made sense. Quickly the shock turned to anger.

"You." She whispered at Merlin.

He gave a small nod in return.

"Yes. This serving boy is told to be possibly the greatest sorcerer ever to walk the earth. However, thanks to my magic his powers are limited at the moment. He's too much of a liability to be trusted with such power."

All Merlin could do was glare daggers at her. He knew he could do nothing at this point to stop her, and threatening would only anger her.

"So, without further ado, it is time for the main event. The Lady Morgana will be using her magic to fight against Emrys, under my control." She held up the key for everyone to see.

Merlin and Morgana looked at each other. This was how his magic would be used? If Edith truly hates Morgana, she doesn't have a chance. He almost pitied her.

Morgana's look of hatred swiftly turned to a look of realization, then fear. If this was Emrys...

Then she's doomed.

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