Chapter 22

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True to his word, Merlin came back the next day with soup and bread. They talked for a while; tried to keep things peaceable. Then, just like the day before, he left saying that he would be back tomorrow. Every day he would arrive with whatever food she requested the day before, and then he would leave telling her that he looked forward to having her back. At first Morgana really tried to act annoyed with him, the loathsome servant that lied to her all these years, but even she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the company. Day by day they began to talk more freely with each other, and soon Morgana couldn't help but smile when he walked in.

Merlin could sense a shift as well, in himself and in Morgana. During the first few days she would often bring up his mistakes in anger, but over time she began to question him rather than accuse him. He explained every action she ever questioned him on. Although she was often still mad, she understood. He noticed after a week or so she would smile when he walked in. Soon after that he started to notice himself smiling as he went down to meet her. Though they were rarely entirely peaceful, they had both come to enjoy those talks.

Merlin's hope in Morgana was returning more day by day, but she hadn't yet moved to make peace. That was, until another routine day when he came down to visit.

"Good afternoon!" Merlin called cheerily, entering the cell.
"I have pork and potatoes just as you requested."

"Thank you, Merlin," she smiled.
"You never cease to amaze."

"Well, let me know if you are amazed by the pork. Made it myself... or cooked it anyways."

Morgana took a bite of it, seeming to contemplate the flavor. She looked up seeing Merlin's nervous face and broke into laughter.

"It's good, Merlin. Thank you."

"So," Merlin sat, "what are we to talk about today?"

"Ah yes... well actually, I was wondering what this whole 'making peace' thing would entail."

If Merlin would've had water in his mouth, he would've spit it out in surprise. Luckily he didn't, so he just sat and stared at her wide eyed for a few seconds.

"Wait- you actually- you want..."

"I want information. The conditions and whatnot. I'm not giving an official letter of surrender to Camelot right now."

"Oh... right. Well, actually I think you would have to talk to Arthur about that one. I can only assume that an official apology will be needed. You would have to swear loyalty to Arthur I'm sure. Somehow this would all have to be behind Uther's back..."

"May I talk to Arthur?"

"Well... sure! I don't see why not. I'll ask him to come tomorrow. Actually, if you don't mind my asking, why the change of heart?"

"I don't know if I can really explain."


"Well, despite our vast differences you've been kind to me. Not only that, you've been open. Arthur accepted you for who you really are, you're willing to accept me, so I might as well be willing to accept a fair and just Camelot. Besides, sleeping in a dungeon is not exactly comfortable."

"I'm glad. I mean- that you're willing to accept! Not that you're uncomfortable."

Morgana chuckled as he fumbled over his words. Even the world's most powerful sorcerer had that adorable quality of not being great with words.

'Wait, adorable? He's Merlin! He's not adorable!' She thought.

"Well, I'm going to go now," Merlin said after a couple more minutes of conversation.
"Oh, and Morgana?"
She looked up at him.
"It's good to have you back."

"Thank you, Merlin."


The next day Arthur did have a conversation with Morgana. Apparently it went well; at least, Arthur wasn't in a bad mood when he returned. He hadn't said anything, but Merlin could kind of tell with these sorts of things.

"So... how did it go?"

"It went fine," Arthur replied cheerily.

Although Merlin was glad that 'it went fine,' that wasn't exactly the answer he was getting at.

"Well what did she say? Did she accept the conditions? Actually, come to think of it, what were the conditions?"

Arthur chuckled.
"You're awfully curious. Has it occurred to you that it may not be your place to know?"

"When have I ever stuck to 'my place'? Besides, I've been the one reasoning with her, so I believe I should know the outcome."

Arthur shook his head at his ridiculous servant. The boy could be an absolute prat at times.

"She said she wanted to prove her loyalty to me. She regretted her actions and saw that I was willing to rule a fair and just kingdom, with magic alongside me. All she wants is a place in Camelot."

Merlin's heart leapt a bit within him, but he couldn't explain why. He assumed it was because all of his hard work was starting to pay off.

"So what are you going to do? Uther still can't know that she's here."

"Well I suggested that she live in a home right near the edge of Camelot's border. Then, when my father passes, she will be able to come back and live in the city. However, she didn't seem to want to go along with that idea."

"What! Why not?"

"From what I can tell it seems that something is keeping her here. For some odd reason, she doesn't want to leave. Do you have any idea why that would be?"

Arthur looked at Merlin slyly, but Merlin remained confused. Arthur raised his eyebrows waiting for Merlin to catch on, but to not avail. Gosh, the servant could be painfully ignorant at times.

"Merlin, she said she would rather stay hidden in the dungeons than leave the city. Something makes her feel safe here. In her words, she 'would rather be in a dungeon than alone.' Therefore, she's staying here hidden below Camelot. I unchained her, save the cuffs, and I believe I'm going to be looking for a cot."

Merlin was shocked, to say the least. Why wouldn't she leave? She's condemning herself to a cell for who knows how long.

"But why?" He whispered, unable to keep all the thoughts inside his head.

"Oh for gosh sake's Merlin! You are possibly the most oblivious person I have ever met!"

"Do you you count in this list? Because I did keep my magic hidden for-"

"She loves you, you dollophead!"



To those of you who were waiting for this to turn into a Mergana story: here you go! So originally I was not going to write in the blatant Mergana portion, but then I thought: why not?! Thank you all so much for sticking with me! Hopefully I'll have the ending soon.

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