Chapter 14

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By the time Merlin got back to the cells he was almost completely drained. Yet he could not stop his brain from going a million miles per hour. Arthur used his magic, but he hinted as though he was trying to free Merlin. He barely noticed that he had been chained up to the wall and Morgana was looking right at him because he was so deep in thought.

"What happened to you?" She asked more out of curiosity than concern.

"I saw Arthur."

"Ah. How did that go?"

"He had the key. For some reason Edith gave him the key for my magic. She's playing at something... I just don't know what."

"Well that's easy," she scoffed, "it's revenge."

"Well of course she wants revenge. She's trying to turn us against each other, I know that. But he mentioned leaving. That's what I don't get."

"As in getting out of here? Yeah, good luck with that. The only way you're getting out of here is if she thinks you'll suffer more once you leave."

They both paused and looked at each other in realization. That's exactly what she plans to do. Get Arthur to the point that he hates Merlin, and then let them all go. Out of nowhere Morgana starts laughing.


"Oh nothing. It's just slightly genius. Looks like instead of being a servant you'll be a slave!"

"We don't know that."

"Well you don't know Edith then."

"And you do? Wait a minute, why are you here?"

"Because she hates me."

"And why does she hate you?"

"Because she does."

"Fine, don't answer."

They both went silent for a minute. Finally Morgana sighed, deciding to answer.

"Her and Morgouse knew each other. Morgouse was raised by the high priestess and Edith was her apprentice. Edith thought that she deserved to be a high priestess, but Nimueh did not believe she could. Instead Nimueh made Morgouse a high priestess leaving Edith out of it. Then Morgouse made me a high priestess, so she hates me."

"So it's Morgouse's fault."

"Yes. As was a lot of things apparently."

Merlin looked at her, confused. Then he remembered the conversation they had earlier, when he told her.

"So you believe me then?"

"Yes. I think you were completely wrong in most areas, but yes. I know what Morgause did."

"Thanks... are you okay?"

"I should've seen it coming. Everyone I have ever trusted betrayed me. Why shouldn't she?"

Admittedly, that stung a little. Especially now with everything else going on. He can't help but feel that he could've stopped it.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry that all this has happened to you. I'm sorry that so many people have betrayed you."

"It started with you."

"I know."


"Thank you all for joining me. I have called this meeting to discuss our current predicament, and try to clear up any confusion you all may have."

Arthur had called all the knights together for a meeting in the courtyard, with Edith's permission of course. After being basically confined to their separate rooms for a couple days, they were happy to come.

"So to start out I just wanted to clarify a couple things. First, I have talked to Edith and we will be leaving in the next few days. We have reached an agreement stating that no harm will come to her when she lets us go. Since that's been clarified, any questions?"

"Umm yes, why on earth are you trusting this woman?" Gwaine chimed in.

"She means us no harm. We were not the targets of her attack in the first place."

"Which brings me to my next question: why isn't Merlin here?"

"Letting Merlin out of the cells was not part of our agreement."

"Your agreement? You agreed to leave Merlin behind and let him rot in these cells?!"

Leon his hand on Gwaine's arm trying to calm him down, so he could have the chance to speak.

"Sire, will Merlin be joining us when we get out of here?"

"Edith has offered for him to come with us. She said she has no further use for him."

"And I assume he'll be coming as a free man?" Lancelot asked. Arthur looked at him and sighed.

"Not exactly."

Arthur had not been looking forward to this conversation. He knew that Lancelot and Gwaine especially would not approve.

"Not exactly? What do you mean not exactly? You are going to take the cuffs off, right?" Gwaine's voice raised with every sentence.

"I- I can't. He's too dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Lancelot got to his feet.
"Merlin has saved your life more times than you could count. You owe your very life to him!"

Lancelot walked out with Gwaine following closely behind him. Arthur didn't try to stop them. He expected it. All that was left were Leon, Elyan, and Percival.

"Sire," Percival started, "what are you planning to do with Merlin?"

"Depending on the events of the next few days, I'm planning to take Merlin with us. I can't remove the cuffs, but that doesn't mean he can't return to his life in Camelot. Having him around could be of use to us."

"Wait, are you planning on using the cuffs to control his magic yourself?" Elyan asked.

"Edith will do it if I don't. It's what's best for him."

"Best for him?" Elyan scoffed. "He was better off when none of us knew at all."

Both Elyan and Percival decided that this was their time to leave. Leon was the only one left.

"Sire, if I may, I understand your distrust of magic. In fact, I understand your distrust of Merlin. But, from what we know he has only ever been loyal to you."

"I know that, Leon. But what's my alternative, leaving him here? I literally can't remove the cuffs. Only magic can do that, and magic is outlawed. Edith offered me his services. If I refuse then I'm simply giving him a life sentence here. And at the same time there have been so many lies. Most of them you don't even know about. Honestly he ought to come back with us and be a prisoner in Camelot."

Leon raised his eyebrows, surprised by this.

"Arthur, Merlin is your servant. More than that, he's your friend. I believe you should talk to him, then figure out what to do from there."

Arthur sighed.

"You're right, Leon, as always. I will see if I can talk to him tomorrow."

Hey all!! I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and encouraging comments! You all have no idea how much I appreciate you guys as readers. That being said, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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