Chapter 3

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The first thing Merlin registers is that it's cold. The second thing is that he's lying on something hard. The third is that he hears voices behind him. He opens his eyes and rolls over to register his fourth thing, he's in a cell separate from his friends.

"Merlin's awake!" Gwaine called.

All the knights rush to the edge of their cell. All at once they start flooding him with questions of whether or not he's okay or if he knows what's going on. He sits up and tries to stand to move closer to them. That's when he registers number five. He's in those wretched handcuffs, chained to the wall. As his initial confusion changes to deep concern, the knights start to quiet down to give him a minute. All he can do is stare at the cuffs, afraid of what power they hold. He can still feel his magic, but it's strange. At least he knows they didn't take that away. He can see faint lines of runes on the cuffs. Try as he might, he could only really make out one word in the Old Religion.

"Binding..." he whispered to himself, forgetting that the knights are there.

"What was that, mate?"

Merlin jumps, remembering the knights are there. He was so lost in thought that he completely forgot that he wasn't alone.

"Umm, it's nothing."

"Merlin, are you okay?" Lancelot asked.

"I think so. I mean I'm a little chained up at the moment, but beyond that fine."

"Fine? You sure didn't seem fine in the forest- ah!" Gwaine received an elbow in the ribs from Leon.
"What? I'm just stating the facts."

Merlin thought back to the forest, wincing at the memory. He remembered feeling in pain a bit, but he mostly just remembered feeling wrong. Like everything inside was running completely out of his control. He shook his try to try and clear the memory.

"Well, I'm okay now. We just need to figure out how to get out of here."

"First, I would like to figure out why we're here in the first place," Arthur interjected.
"Merlin, do you have any idea what could possibly be going on? Why do you have those cuffs? Why are you in that cell why the rest of us are in here?"

"I- I have no idea."

"The woman said that the cell was for protection," Lancelot said, looking straight at Merlin.

"That doesn't make sense!" Arthur throws his hands up. "Why would any of us need protection?"

"Protection..." Merlin muttered to himself.

That doesn't make sense. Protecting the knights or him? Merlin would never hurt any of them. What if she meant about him? They have no reason to want to hurt him...

The door creaks open tearing all of them from their thoughts. The woman walked though the door, carrying some wood. She set the wood on the ground in front of the knights cell and looked over the Merlin. The very sight of her made him shiver.

"Ah, you're awake. Good."

"Who are you?" Merlin demanded.
"What do you want?"

The woman starts to laugh.
"What do I want? Oh Merlin I think we both know that you are capable of figuring that out. Or maybe knowing who I am would give you a clue," she pauses, relishing the look of fear on his face.
"I'm Edith, apprentice of the High Priestess Nimueh- or at least I was."

She knows. That's all Merlin can think.
If she knows what could that mean for him? What does this have to do with the cuffs?

"So now introductions are out of the way. Perfect. Now let's get to why you're here."

Merlin looks at her in the eyes, trying not to show his fear.

"It's a little cold in here, don't you think?"
She sighs.

The knights and Merlin all look at each other, confused by the change in subject.

"It would be awfully nice for you and your friends if there was some fire to keep you warm."

Merlin could feel his magic bubbling right under his skin, but it wasn't at his command. Too late, he starts to realize what the cuffs really do.

"Go on Merlin. Give your friends some warmth."

Merlin's eyes flashed gold and the wood caught on fire. It felt like magic was just ripped from him . He had no control over it at all. He looked at the wood in shock registering what this meant for him. Edith gave a wicked smile, knowing full well that the cuffs had worked.

"What?" Arthur mutters to himself, drawing Merlin's attention.
"That can't be... you!" Arthur looks at Edith.
"What did you do to him? You... you gave him magic?"

Arthur's face was pure fear and confusion. He prayed that she did this to him. Merlin can't have magic, he would've known. However, one look at Merlin's face told him otherwise. The man looked as if he was holding back tears, tears of guilt. Of apology. No... no it can't be right. Arthur turns away to pace and try to think.

"Arthur-" Merlin starts, but is cut off by Edith's laughing.

"One cannot give someone magic. They have it on their own. And your friend here is much more powerful than any of you could even think. The cuffs harness his magic to my control. Whoever holds the key," she holds up the key, "has the power."

"Arthur I can explain-"

Arthur holds up his hand to stop Merlin from speaking. Edith again starts laughing.

"Well I'm going to leave to give you all space to catch up. We start tomorrow morning," she directs at Merlin.

Then she walks out the door leaving them all alone.

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