I'm getting a dog *vlog*

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"Hey siwanators! Today I am going to tell ya'll about a dog that I might be getting! She might even be part of my brand, and I am going to create merch. I wanna name her BowBow... my parents still have to talk about it, but I think they will say yes!" I began. "What does Jayden think about getting a dog, huh?" I ask while walking to his room with the vlog camera. "Hey Jayden, what do you think about getting a dog?" I ask Jayden. "Wait, for real? Wait, you don't vlog on wednesdays... is this real?" Jayden asks confused. I laugh. "I promise, this isn't a prank video." I assure him. He still doesn't believe me, obviously. "Are you serious?" Jayden asks, suspicous. "I am asking dad." Jayden says to make sure it really isn't a prank. "Wait... MOM?!" I yell. "Did you ask dad yet? Go ask him." I whisper. "wait, mom are we really getting a dog?" Jayden asks. "Yeah!" my mom says to Jayden. "JoJo, show him the social media post from the shelter!" My mom instructs. "Ok, Jayden... now do you believe me?" I ask, showing him the shelter post. "No." he says with a smirk on his face. "Well Jayden is being Jayden." I say to the vlog. "Well, this isn't a JoJo juice, but I'm pouring juice on my head anyways!" I say really loud. I walk to the bathroom talking to my siwanators about the dog. Once I get to the shower, I tell them about what juice I am about to pour on myself. "This juice looks really gross, but we are gonna try it anyway." I say. "3,2,1..." I count down. I then pour the pineapple-garlic juice onto my head. "Ah, gross!" I say. "This is disgusting! Who would buy this juice? Anyways, siwanators, follow me on social media, and peace out... BYE!" I just say my usual outro. 


"Editing SUCKS!" I say, really annoyed. I read, watch some video, and then finally decide to edit my video. As I watch, I notice I wasn't wearing a bow. "I always wear a bow, I think I know why I didn't... it was like 8:00 in the morning when I saw that, and I hadn't gone through my morning routine." I say to only myself. I have an idea, I can take a picture of one of my bows, crop the background, and add it to my head on the video. I then put my bow on.

~~videoing again~~

"Hey siwanators, I wasn't wearing a bow in this video... I filmed this at like 8 in the morning, so I hadn't done my hair routine." I say. "The bow I was "wearing" was not a bow, it was a picture of a bow. My hair was even down. It was an editing thing. This time it's real!" I say solemnly. 

~~*editing done* upload time!~~

I name the video: I'm getting a dog *vlog*. I add a thumbnail just by using the social media post and a picture of me. I create the description, and turn off the comments. Upload time! I click upload and wait like a half-hour, and it is finally up. The first 5 minutes there are already 2,000 views! Wow.

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