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I lay in my tree house with my eyes closed listening to music. It was perhaps one of my favorite pass times aside from reading romance novels.

I could feel myself drifting to sleep until I felt the light shaking of the entire tree house.

I opened my eyes and watched as Chenle climbed in through the open window. I sat up leaving space between the two of us.

He handed me a small bag, this time holding a variety of sweet snacks.

"What's this for?" I immediately questioned his motive.

"To say im sorry." He avoided eye contact with me.

I shoved the bag back to him.

"Why waste your time apologizing to a loser like me?" I rhetorically asked.

"I'm sorry for not standing up for you." He let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I'm sorry for not believing you."

The last part held my attention.

"On Saturday night I heard yelling coming from your house. As usual I came to the treehouse to check on you but you weren't here. When I knocked on your door your mom told me that you left and she didn't have a clue where. I stayed up the whole night watching out of my bedroom window. That is when I saw you arrive in the morning with that new kid."

I groaned knowing exactly where this conversation was heading to.

"I already told you, I spent the night at Jungwoo's dorm."

To my surprise he didn't argue with me.

"I know, I talked to him and he told me everything that happened."

He placed his hand over mine.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you about Yangyang but I had a good reason. Y/N you need to stay away from him."

I rolled my eyes at him. And here I thought he wasn't going to argue with me.

"Are you ever going to stop? What is with you and trying to control my life?"

"I'm not trying to control your life, I already told you that I'm trying to protect you from anyone that will hurt you."

"Then why don't you protect me from yourself!"

"What?" He asked me with a hurt voice.

I replied in a calm tone. "The only one hurting me is you. The only thing I want is for you to leave me alone. We are no longer friends and we haven't been in a long time so please, please stop pretending to care about me."

"Have you really convinced yourself that I am only pretending to care about you?"

"I haven't convinced myself of anything. Its the truth. You ignore me and treat me like a loser just like everyone else except the difference is that you are worst than them! You treat me like a loser in front of others but behind closed doors you pretend to be sweet, you pretend to be protective, but what you don't realize is that it hurts me!"

Before I could continue yelling more at him, he pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on my head.

"I'm sorry that I ever made you feel like that. But I do care about you, I will always care about you. I'm sorry if I hurt you and made you think otherwise."

I began to cry into his chest. I hated to admit it, but the reality was that I missed him, I missed this. I missed the warm and safe feeling he gave me whenever we were together.

He lifted my chin up and used his thumb to wipe my tears.

"Don't cry," he whispered. "You look ugly when you cry."

I broke into a giggle after hearing the familiar phrase. Growing up he would always tell me those same 6 words to stop me from crying.

"I hate you."

He laughed and hugged me close to him once again. He rested his head on top of mine and just like when we were younger, I felt safe.


I opened my eyes feeling slightly disoriented by the darkness. I looked at my surroundings and began remembering that I was in the treehouse earlier, perhaps I had fallen asleep.

I tried getting up but as soon as I moved something gripped around my waist.

Am I still asleep?

I tried to get up again but this time my whole body was pulled in, causing me to rollover and come face to face with a sleeping Chenle.

I felt my face blush as our noses accidentally touched.

I leaned back and took a moment to admire his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. His long eyelashes fell perfectly over his closed eyes. His messy hair laid in a way that exposed his forehead. He had a big forehead but somehow it was still sorta cute. My eyes lowered to his plump lips that rested with a slight gap between them. To me his lips were Chenle's second best feature. The first was the cute little cat whiskers that appeared under his eyes whenever he smiled.

I was shook out of my thoughts when Chenle pulled me closer to him and snuggled his face in the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickled the sensitive skin of my neck causing me to push away.

"Yah Chenle wake up!" I panicked in a loud voice.

He slowly opened his eyes, and panicked when he saw me. Without warning he pushed me away and I rolled against the wall of the treehouse.

"Ouch." I winced.

He quickly apologized and helped me up. "Sorry I was just surprised."

We both stuck our head out of the window of the tree house and looked outside. It was completely dark except for the faint glow of the street lamps.

"I think we slept into the night."

"Oh yea? What gave you that assumption?" I teased his very obvious observation.

Being very used to my sarcasm, Chenle replied with even more sarcasm.

"Well you see that thing over there." He pointed to the sky. "It's called a moon and its made out of cheese. It only comes out at night because if it came out during the day, all the heat from the sun would melt it."

I laughed at his stupid explanation.

He lightly chuckled and pushed my loose hair behind my ear. "You should go to sleep now, it's late and we have school in the morning."

I nodded my head and watched as he climbed out of the window back to his side of the fence. He must've missed a step due to the darkness because he ended up falling flat on his but.

My loud laugh echoed through the quiet neighborhood before I quickly covered my mouth.

"Yah!" He whisper yelled at me.

I laughed a little quieter this time. "Goodnight Chenle."


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