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Suyeon and I were having a conversation near our lockers before class when Jaemin showed up suddenly.

"Yah Suyeon."

"What do you want now?" She rolled her eyes.

"Me and the guys are going out to eat after classes today and you are coming with us." He grinned.

"I can't."

Jaemin frowned. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"But I'm paying." He pouted his lips and widened his eyes like a puppy.

"Let me guess, you also want me to bring Yoona?" She replied unenthusiastically.

He nodded his head looking innocent as possible.

"I don't know." She pursed her lips.

"Please." He begged. "You can also bring your new friend along."

He motioned towards me.

"I-I'm not new." I mumbled out.

"You're not?" He looked at me funny. "I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"My name is Kim Y/N, I'm in Mrs. Lee's homeroom class."

"Y/N? Y/N?....Y/N?" He repeated my name several times as if trying to recollect any memories of me.

"We were in the same home room during our first year." I hoped that he might remember me.

He snapped his fingers.

"I remember!" He burst out. "You're that loser that everyone was taking about yester-"

Suyeon slapped the back of his shoulder before he could finish his statement.

"I'm not saying that I think you're a loser." He waved his arms in a no motion. "That's what others were say-"

"Jaemin shut up!" She scolded him.

"No he's right." I made eye contact with the floor. "I'll save you the embarrassment of being seen with a loser like me. Don't worry, you go have fun with your friends after school." I told Suyeon.

I paced ahead of them but Suyeon followed.

"Y/N wait up for me." She called out.

"Are you two still coming after school?" I could hear Jaemin's voice becoming more distant.

"Fuck off Jaemin." Suyeon loudly stated.

She caught up to me and we walked the rest of the way to class together.

"Don't listen to Jaemin, he's an idiot but I promise you he's really nice."

She latched on to my arm.

"Why don't we take up his offer and you can meet the rest of my friends."

"And why would I want to do that?"

Although me and her were friends since our first year of high school, we rarely grouped together at school.

"Because I'm worried about you." she sat at her desk and turned her chair to face me. "You've been awfully distant since the start of the semester. You don't talk to me as much and when I ask Jungwoo about you he acts weird. I can't help but think that you, him, or maybe both of you are keeping something from me."

I raised my left eyebrow slightly. "Again, what does that have to do with you wanting me to meet your friends?"

She sighed out loud and rested her chin on her hand.

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