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"Hey Y/N-.......woah what happened to you?" Suyeon harshly judged my appearance at school.

"I didn't sleep at all last night." I replied as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

I slammed my locker door closed hoping the loud sound would help me wake up a little more.

"No kidding those dark circles say it all."

I leaned against my locker and looked up at the bright fluorescent lights.

"The worst part is I'm supposed to go outfit shopping for the party with Ten today." I groaned. "I won't get a chance to sleep at all."

"Speaking of the party," Suyeon sighed. "I sort of told Jungwoo that we were going last night and he might have gotten a little mad."

"Why would he be mad?"

Jungwoo hadn't messaged me anything about this.

"He said that he didn't think it was appropriate for two high school students to go to a college party. He also seemed upset because we didn't tell him anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Well maybe if he wasn't with that stupid study group all day he would know."

"Tell me about it." Suyeon sighed. "I feel like he doesn't even pay any attention to me these past few days. I know his studies are very important to him but a simple good morning and goodnight text would be more than enough."

I hugged and comforted her. "He's probably only stressed and doesn't mean to make you feel ignored on purpose. I know Jungwoo and I know how crazy he is about you."

Suyeon smiled, "I'm so happy my boyfriend's cousin is my best friend. I can always count on you."

She latched her arm around me. "Lets hurry up and get to class before we get detention."

I smiled and we rushed to our homeroom together.


I sat on the concrete steps of the giant water fountain at the center of the mall. Ten had messaged me to meet him here at 3 o'clock but he was already 15 minutes late.

I ran all the way here after school just for him to be late. Maybe this was a sign from the universe telling me that it wasn't too late to change my mind.

"Sorry I'm late." Ten was smiling brightly when he showed up. "I missed the bus and had to wait for the next one."

"It's okay, it's not like I have anywhere else to go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on, we have so much to get done."

I followed right behind him as he happily paced ahead of me. We ended up standing in front of a hair and nail shop .

"First thing first, we have to do something about that hair."

"Whats wrong with my hair." I frowned and examined strands of my hair. I've never colored or did any heat damage so it was fairly healthy.

"Nothing.......if you were a 40 year old mother."

I felt strangely offended by his comment. What was that supposed to mean?

"I have a friend who works here and she will leave your hair looking just as beautiful as mine."

I couldn't really argue with that. Ten had gorgeous medium length blonde hair that perfectly framed his face. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to trust him on this.

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