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This Chapter is on the longer side....


Today marked the first day of October meaning I had survived the first month of my senior year. Unlike my last few unprecedented weekends, I wanted to stay indoors this Friday night, away from the parties and headaches. The weather was cold and windy, the perfect atmosphere for a horror film.

Suyeon liked to tease me and call me a psychopath because I loved to watch horror movies even if I was alone. It's not my fault I enjoyed slasher films instead of terrible netflix romcoms that gave the romance genre a bad reputation.

I was huddled under my blankets, hiding my eyes behind my slightly cracked fingers.

"No don't go in there!" I whispered to myself. "No,no,no...." I closed my eyes when one of the characters was stabbed to death. "Bitch I told you not to go in there!"

I slightly jumped when I heard a loud knock coming from the front door. My mother was at work and I wasn't expecting anyone. The loud banging began again causing me to hide deeper in my blankets. "Come on y/n it's probably nothing." I reassured myself, hesitating to go and check who it was. I put on my slippers and began walking down the long hallway leading from my room to the front door. Another knock filled the silent house. "Oh no, that's how all those idiots always end up dying." I stopped in my track. Rule number one, never investigate. I slapped my forehead. "Yah! Stop being stupid. This isn't a movie."

I rolled my eyes and finally forced myself to open the door revealing a puffy eyed, red cheeked Suyeon.

"We broke up." Tears filled her eyes with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug."Come lets talk inside." I said while pulling her in. Her hands and cheeks were ice cold. "Did you walk all the way here in this weather?"

"I didn't know what else to do." She cried, "He took me to a restaurant and was acting weird the entire time. When we were done eating he said we needed to talk and then..." She couldn't finish her sentence as her sobs became louder. " H-He cheated on me y/n." She shook her head. "He asked if I could forgive him. He said he didn't mean it and he would spend his entire life trying to make it up to me but he pleaded me not to break up with him.  But I couldn't....I can't. I told him it was over and I ran out of the restaurant."

I hugged her, gently patting her back. "I'm sorry Su-ah."

"I just don't understand." She hiccuped in between heavy breathes. "Was I not enough for him? Was I not able to satisfy his needs? Was I such a terrible girlfriend that he felt the need to receive attention from another girl?"

"Don't blame yourself." I lightly scolded her. "You didn't do anything wrong, he's and idiot who's never deserved a moment with you."

She cried into my shoulder as I tried to comfort her. She then pulled away and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry y/n I shouldn't have come here. He's your cousin and I shouldn't unload our issues on to you."

I grabbed her hand and led her to my room. "What kind of best friend would I be if I pushed you away. Remember when I told you all men outside of the fictional realm were trash?" I rhetorically asked her. "Well that included my cousin too."

A weak laugh slipped from her lips. "What would I do without you?"

"What would we do without each other." I corrected her. "Come on you can sleep over here tonight." I smiled and gave her an extra pair of comfy clothes to change into. "We'll watch scary movies and eat ice cream all night."

She smiled, nodding her head in agreement.


Suyeon and I woke up to a loud sound coming from the living room. We both jumped up and held on to each other.

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