Chapter 1

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"Hey Nat"

"Hi Pete did you remember to grab milk on your way home?" I stared at her. I completely forgot about the milk. she laughed at my expression and pulled out a carton of milk from her bag "I know you too well" 

I let out a sigh of relief as she came over and sat on the couch next to me. I started to live with Nat a few months ago after the avenger's started chasing after me.

After I escaped from the other avengers she found me bleeding in an ally with my  mask of and took me to her secret apartment. She says she has the place to get away from the tower and everyone there but I think there's something more to it. I woke up in clothes that I assumed where hers since they were only slightly baggy on me. I was on the couch. my body was sore, I could tell my ribs had been broken and had just recently healed by the familiar tingling feeling around that area. 

"you have amazing healing" I nearly jumped out of my skin when her voice popped out of nowhere. She sat in front of me and we started talking. I'd been living on the streets during that time since after Mays death, CPS had been trying to put me in an a Orphanage. When I told her this she immediately went into mom mode, insisting that I should stay with her since 'spiders should stick together'. No one tells Nat no so that is how I ended up staying here in her guest room, which is now my room. 

"how did your meeting go" She turned the tv on and started looking for something good to watch "It went well they still have no clue who you are" we both laughed.

"well I do have the greatest mentor who taught me the art of escaping" She playfully hit my shoulder "take more credit Мама паук you hacked into CPS so that I could go back to school without them tracking me down" A lot of things I know about hacking have been things Nat's taught me.

"Just helping my son out, can't have you lazing around my house for the rest of your life" I pouted and she grinned, contrary to what most think Nat does have a heart "you want shawarma for dinner? Maybe we can go out this time instead of ordering"

"Yeah but are you sure that's safe someone may see us" 

"Peter if we keep eating in here we are going to go insane" She put down the remote "besides we both lie well so if on the off chance an avenger comes down to Queens for shawarma we'll be okay" 

She made a compelling argument so I simply walked into my room to get changed. My room was larger than my old room but not by much I had a desk which was littered with random notebooks, one that I was using to learn Russian and others for schoolwork, I learned the language pretty fast but I still needed practice. I had a twin bed and a bookshelf as well as a wardrobe. The furniture was pushed against the walls so I had room on the floor to build my strange inventions.

I made my way over to my wardrobe and pulled out some clothes to wear. When I finished changing we started walking over to the shawarma place nearby. 

We sat in the back corner in a small booth just talking about my school life and her idiotic co-workers as well as some of  the missions she'd been on or some funny stories I have from Patrol. 

Everything was going well until Tony Strange Stark and his husband Stephen Strange Stark came waltzing in. "shit I forgot Tony loves shawarma" Natasha cursed under her breath but I could hear it.

"they haven't noticed us yet" I could hear Tony talking about how he's shocked Stephen has never had shawarma. On Strange's behalf I hadn't heard of it until Nat got us it one night.

"You go pay, I'll walk into the restroom and go through the window" Natasha put her hood up "meet me in ally behind the shop" I nodded and she placed money in front of me then swiftly got up and did her part of the plan. I waited a few moments before getting up myself, paying the owner then casually walking towards the door peeping in the couples direction to see if they noticed anything. Bad idea.

My eyes met Tony's who was looking at me with a curiosity in his eyes "that kid seems suspicious"  I picked up his hushed whisper and my eyes widened slightly. I moved my gaze away and continued walking, keeping a straight face. I made my way out of the door but I was stopped when someone spoke from behind me. 

"Hey kid" I turned my head and raised an eyebrow to seem confused. Tony Stark was there. "Sorry sir I have to get home by curfew" Stark furrowed his eyebrow "Your not fanboying or anything" I would if this was the first time id met you "My mother says it's rude and makes people uncomfortable so I shouldn't do that" was that believable?

"PETE YOUR 5 MINUETS LATE WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BREAKING CURFEW" Nat's voice was nearby and I was glad she listened in on the little conversation. "Shit sorry I have to go I've got homework to complete"

"COMING MOM" I quickly ran into the ally and up to Nat where I gave her a appreciative smile which she returned. After the events in the shawarma shop we went home and snuggled together to watch a movie.  

Question- what's your favourite movie / Tv show?

(hey guys so this story line is inspired by @the_nerdy_hermit  's fanfic called Mama Spider on wattpad and I really enjoyed their story and wanted to make one like it but with my own plot and story but I recommend their fanfiction since it is really good and they are a much better writer than me)

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