Chapter 8

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Its been a month since Harley and Peter first met and they've gotten close, Peter usually comes to the Tower everyday and its been a common sight to see them watching a movie or curled up together on the couch sleeping or playing Mario cart with Clint and Peter destroying them in the game because of his Spidey sense. 

During that time Harley's noticed some strange things

1) Peter can eat A LOT, more than cap but not as much as Thor 
2) He heals really quickly, he once got a cut on his face and it was gone in an hour
3) When he's not paying attention he can exercise easily and when he's told he's doing well he starts 'struggling'
4) Peter is strong they were in the avengers gym because they needed to hang up another punching bag and when Peter tested it out it flung of its hinges and Peter said it wasn't on properly but Harley knew he did it correctly 
5) He's a fast runner, can run without even breaking a sweat 

but the two things that made him jump to a conclusion was that he always disappeared right when Spiderman showed and the watch that was built for the spider was in his bag. 

Harley had figured out who the friendly neighbourhood web slinger is but he decided to keep it a secret that he did until now. he liked knowing something the others didn't. 

it was a Saturday afternoon when the news interrupted the movie they were watching. A green blur ran across the screen throwing golden balls that exploded letting out a cloud of an unknown gas. 

he could feel Peter tense next to him and then mumble 'Harry' quietly under his breath.  The avengers had gathered round the TV asking each other whether they should help but decided to leave it to the new recruit who had visited a couple times. 

Harley grabbed Peter by the arm and dragged him into his room.

"Why'd you do that" 

"I know your spiderman but I'll explain how later"

The webslinger stared in shock but Harley just pulled up a floorboard to reveal a box. He opened it and flung the red and blue fabric at peter.

"Put this on I've been making this in secret It's not finished since I wanted to add an AI for you but your suit is in the living room so this has got to do"

"I already have an AI" Peter grabbed white clip on speaker from his pocket and put it on his ear then grabbed the suit

"Great one less job now change and go save the world" The blond threw two web shooters at him "Good look Darlin'"


"Harry what are you doing here again" Peter swung in and crouched on top of a nearby building. 

"Spiderman how nice of you to join me"  The goblin stopped above him glaring down at his old friend

"Hey buddy was the prison food really that bad your looking greener than usual" 

"You never change do you Parker, I've kept your little secret and I don't even get a thank you"

"Oh my apologies I thought you annoyed them so much they put a muzzle on you"

That made him angry and he sent a bomb peters way but when it exploded all peter could smell was the awful smell of Peppermint and garlic. 

The arachnids insides felt like they where burning as pain spread throughout his body.

"Garlic and Peppermint, both terrible for a spider" The green goblin flew of laughing as peter stumbled backwards of the building. The fall felt like it lasted forever and peter was prepared to hit the ground when metal arms caught him. Then spider blacked out.


"Peter" A male voice echoed in his head 

"ребенок паук" A female voice followed after it

The spider let out a gasp for air as he woke up and leaned forward. two hands reached over to hold his shoulders. One was Harley and the other Nat. 

"Hey calm down it's just us" Nat spoke in her soft tone 

"You had an allergic reaction to something in the smoke bomb but I found an EpiPen in Bruce's lab" Harley now spoke and Peter saw the abandoned EpiPen next to him on the floor of the allyway 

"Who caught me" Nat looked confused but Harley just smirked

"I sent one of my dads suits out while I went searching for the EpiPen" The blond answered "Caught a ride with Nat after explaining that I knew too"

A new voice called from afar "Guys the others are asking where we went" Peter recognised it as Clint's

"Well I guess we have to come up with a good lie while you change" Nat threw clothes over to Peter and the spider reluctantly got up and stumbled further into the ally to change. 


They all arrived back at the tower after squeezing into Older spiders car. the others questioned them when they arrived back and they just said that they where in the training rooms and Peter had a delayed allergic reaction to something so that's why they where so panicked when they left. Of course no one could untangle the web of lies they just spewed since Harley had made sure all security footage was deleted during those times and left traces of a hacker in the system to throw them of their tracks. 

When Peter and Nat arrived home Peter once again got shouted at by his spider mom for being so reckless and not telling her he was going out as well as the fact he let Harley figure out his identity. After that they started cooking their dinner which was chicken Kiev's and mash with vegetables on the side. Nat was slowly teaching Peter how to cook although she didn't trust him to do it on his own since last time he tried the water caught on fire. 

Natasha handed him his food and sat down in front of him with hers "Thanks mom" The teen took a bite then choked on it after he realized what he said "Wait- I didn't- that wasn't-" Nat just laughed at her bright red son who was stumbling over his words.

"Peter it's fine if you call me mom I quite like it" She smiled at him softly and he looked at her before displaying his own wide smile. "Your the best mom"

Question- Fav songs 

(A/N Hey guys I really enjoyed making this chapter for you all I know it may not make sense but I get inspired way to late at night so I hope it isn't that bad. Also this is two chapter squished into one because I realised that my ideas for these wouldn't be enough for their own chapters so I kind of scrapped that and thought up a new chapter- and yes I finally made a plan for this and I'm expecting to write I think 7  more chapters for this and I can't wait because i know what im doing now )

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