Chapter 2

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Natasha's POV

"How hard could it possibly be to catch a vigilante" Fury looked around the table of hero's with both rage and dissapointment filling his eyes. "you have been on this for over 5 months" The others looked down not knowing what to say

"you havent even been able to catch him whilst he was seriously injured" I held back a small grin since I knew that was because of the training I gave him. "I am sick and tired of sending people out there to get you out of your web cacoons"

The avengers (besides myself) looked nervous since they have tried everything to find the web slinger, Myself however tried my least and sometimes let маленький паук escape but not letting the others know of that. 

It's their fault since they didnt ask Pete nicely wether or not he would go with them peacefully, deciding attacking him was the best option. Peter had told me that if they agreed not to do tests on him and let him share information about himself at a pace he was confortable with he would have agreed to go. 

They tried the peaceful method the 6th time but by then you could tell the wall crawler was salty about the heros other attempts so he said no. 

"I still don't understand why your so determined to get the spider" I spoke up saying what everybody else wanted too. 

"If he goes rogue then can't apprehend him while he isnt in his uniform and he's a danger to everyone" Fury spoke as if it was obvious.

"he's done so much good why would he go rogue and harm the people he fights so hard to protect" The others looked at me in shock for speaking up against Fury "he's better than everyone sat at this table he goes out and risks his life every night for ordinary people and what do we do? we sit and wait for a high profile case to take care of"

Furys was now glaring at me with fire burning in his eyes "He should be tracking us down for not being actual hero's not the other way around although he does it better than any of us so we'd just get in the guys way" I can't stand going after my son time after time and preventing him from doing his job. The kids been through so much and I hate that idiots refuse to see the good he does. 

"I'm not tracking the arachnid down any longer your doing this without me" 


"so that was quite the speech" Clint made his way over to me.

"Yeah well I spoke the truth didn't I besides non of us really want to do this" I gazed out the window to see the busy streets of New York below. 

"So who is this guy" He made his way over to me "You wouldn't have said anything like that if you didn't know him"

Of course Barton would suspect something, he is my best friend after all "so are you dating the spider or-"

"No I'm not dating the spider never suggest that again" My tone of voice was stern "The kids like my son" 

"HE'S A KID?!?!" 

"Keep your voice down Clinton nobody can know" My outburst wasn't planned or controlled I just couldn't handle those meetings anymore, everyone must be a little suspicious by now. 

My phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID to see that It was Peter. "sorry I have to take this"

I ran into the restroom and answered "Hey M- Nat I got into a fight at school and they need you to come pick me up"

"sure Pete I'll be there soon just wait" I hung up and let out a long sigh

"so the kids name is Pete? Can I meet him?" The vent crawler spoke from above

"How the hell do you get around those so quickly"

"It's a secret but can I? please" Clint said in a childish voice.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote something down then passed it into the vents. "Go to this address at 7pm and make sure your not followed"

"Will do" He scuttled away probably on his way to prank Tony


"So you got into a fight at school"

"You sound like a Captain America PSA" Peter laughed a  little 

"The team loved those by the way thanks for telling us they exist" I remembered the day the team sat down and watched all of those while bright red Steve huddled next to Bucky refusing to look at the screen because he was so embarrassed. 

"anyways how's the other guy look"

"I broke his nose and one of his fingers and gave him a black eye maybe other things too" 

"Was the kids name Flash? The one you were being bullied by but told me not to kill" 

"No it was his friend, sorry they said some bad things about May...." Peter looked down in disappointment

"Hey маленький паук its alright I'm not mad I would have done it too" I saw the bags under his eyes "did you stay up all night again?" 


"Can't lie to me buddy now go to bed or no spidermaning for a week" He begrudgingly got up and walked off.

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be back with food"

"yeah okay" he mumbled the words

I smiled at that before heading out. 

Question- Favourite spiderman comic/ movie/ series/ etc 

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