Chapter 4

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"alright everyone this Is Harley Keener (Fake last name provided by the one and only tony stark) be nice and help him settle in" Their homeroom teacher spoke in a monotone voice and a blank expression. Harley took the only free seat at the back of the class and started to write. 

Harley and Peter shared every class except Art and Language arts. It was kind of bugging Peter at how many classes they had together. The only one who had this many classes with him was Flash. Maybe the universe hated him and wanted him stuck in a class with to stuck up rich kids that bully every nerd in sight. His Parker luck really has to tone it down a notch.


2 Weeks later (Because I don't have a clue what else to do)

Harley Strange Stark has never been one to make friends or show interest in anyone but himself and the things he creates but a certain brunette changed this. It was in woodwork (A/N I'm assuming that what its called but its that workshop place in homecoming where they check out the glowey bomb.) when the boy finally decided  that he didn't like the school and was going to make another explosive. The doe eyed boy who's name he discovered to be Peter Parker had noticed what he was trying to do. He came over and said "If you add the that straight after the metal its going to explode in your face and if your going for a larger radius you could change it to a more rounded shape so- sorry I'm rambling I do that a lot" (A/N that actually sounds right I've been dreading writing that all week) 

"its fine I'm trying something new this time and must have not realised" That was a lie he's been wondering why it kept blowing up before he was done for a long time. "So your names Harley, right?" 

"Yeah how'd you know" 

"We have a lot of classes together surprised you never noticed me" Harley detected a bit of spite in the words the boy spoke.

"Sorry I don't usually interact with people since they all use me for money" That part is true but he didn't tell him about the whole he's a famous mechanics and a wizards adoptive son part. "That Flash kids been bothering me and I'm starting to get sick of his know it all attitude"

"He's like that and he doesn't get any less annoying trust me I've known him since kindergarten" they laughed and the bell for lunch rang throughout the school. Peter flinched at the loud noise. 

"you okay" Harley caught the action from the corner of his eye

"Yeah umm do you want to sit with my friends at lunch" The blond accepted and Peter introduced him to Ned and MJ.


Peter might have judged a book by its cover, Harley may not have been as bad as the young spider thought. The other boy had gotten a long with all his friends and that includes MJ, the two talked about a book that they both enjoyed and he knew a lot about coding so he and Ned talked each others heads of. When Peter tried to blend into the background and just listen the taller boy had noticed which resulted in them talking about the possibility's of Nano tech.

By the end of the day Harley had all of their phone numbers and integrated himself into their little group. Peter couldn't stop thinking about it even when he went on patrol that night which was why for the first time the avengers had managed to sneak up on him.

His AI, Karen had been trying to tell him but he didn't hear her. Karen had been something Ned helped him create but she wasn't the most advanced AI since both of them had limited knowledge of that area. 

(A/N Peters suit looks like this and he has a speaker that he created which clips onto his ear so he can hear and speak to Karen without blocking out noise --- hope that makes sense) 

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