Chapter 10

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Guess who's posting this an hour before Wednesday because they have clue when their parents will turn of the WIFI- this Guy 

Peter was swinging through Queens when his watch started beeping, displaying the word 'MEETING' on the display. The webslinger changed his direction to the avengers tower. 


Peter and the avengers sat at the table waiting on the (in)famous Tony Stark. 

The arachnid had felt awkward being the only one in his hero outfit but after awhile he just got used to it, no one else did though. A bright red figure in the corner of your eye was just a weird concept, even Natasha felt weird about it. 

Finally a very late Tony came strolling in with his head held high and his sunglasses on even though he was indoors. 

"Thank you for blessing us with your presence Stark Next time do it sooner"

"We both know that's not happening" Tony sat next to his husband and Fury rolled his eyes.

"I called this meeting because it has come to our attention that a goblin on a hoverboard has been terrorizing the city"

"Didn't Spiderman take care of him" Steve asked and it was obvious they all stopped watching the news after Peter appeared on scene. 

"There was something in the bombs that was harmful to me, I didn't manage to capture him" Peter worded it as best as he could without giving away what exactly was in the bombs for his own safety. They all looked over to him eying him suspiciously, except Clint and Nat who where just staring at him 

"Is he an avengers level threat?" Tony spoke now 

"No you guys can sit on you thrones for this one, I've captured Harry before shouldn't be a problem for me" They all looked guilty at the throne part of my sentence but Fury picked up on the name I dropped. 

"How do you know his name"

"Me and the green goblin know each other personally it's nothing for you to worry about just let me deal with it"

"It is something that we need to worry about because none of us know who you are so we can't trust you" Fury slammed his hands on the table annoyed at the spider 

"All you need to know is that it's my fault he's like that so it's my responsibility to deal with him" At that he walked out not listening to the protests behind him.


Its been a week since that meeting and the green goblin had been suspiciously quite. There was a constant buzz on the back of Peters neck so he knew his old friend was up to something, that or there was a criminal in every ally he passed. 

Peter walked out of the elevator and ran up behind Harley to a hug him. The blond jumped at the sudden hug. 

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" Harley exclaimed putting his hand on his chest

"Aw sorry did you inherit Mr. Starks heart problems" Peter retorted earning a laugh from Sam and Bucky who where on the couch.

"Harley what have you done to the precious bean, He's sarcastic now" Tony rushed forward pulling Peter away from his son.

"Sorry Mr. Stark"

"Why are you apoligising? and stop calling me Mr. Stark I feel old"

"You are" The teens said at the same time. Sam, Bucky and Clint (who had just entered) Burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Your to far gone Harley he's your intern now. I can't handle all the disrespect" Tony faked the sadness in his voice and walked out of the room.

"Wait Sir I didn't mean it" The arachnid ran after him.

The room was silent for a few seconds before it erupted into Laughter. A confused Wanda walked in on it all and slowly crept back to her room forgetting the croissant she wanted. 


"Movie night!" A happy Clint jumped onto the couch next to Peter and Harley who where once again leaning on each other, sharing a fluffy blanket and a bowl of popcorn. 

the avengers quickly filled up the space some sitting on the floor which was layered with pillows and blankets. "What are we whatching" Bucky asked.

"The Lion King" Sam answered and he pressed play.


Harley had picked up Peter during the circle of life and Tony had done the same with vision (He surprisingly didn't break his back), they both hated it but Peter was to short to reach anything and Vision was programmed not to fight back so they just stayed there, watching as everyone around them howled in laughter. 

The song ended and the robots and arachnids feet where now firmly on the grounds. Peters Spidey senses tingled but before he know what was happening he shouted something "GET DOWN" they did as told and not a second later the windows exploded and glass littered the floor. 

Peter was the first to get up, he saw Harry floating on his hoverboard.

"Peter Parker been a long time old friend"

"Harry Osborn how was jail, I would of visited but we weren't on the best of terms with you killing my aunt" The spider's face was void of all emotion which scared the rest of the people in the room. 

"Did you enjoy my present personally Peppermint and Garlic isn't my favourite mixture of smells but you liked it so much you went week at the knees" Harry let out a short laugh.

while the green guy was distracted Peter leaped forward knocking the goblin of his board and into the wall creating a dent as he did so. The action left the avengers stumped.

Harley managed to creep over to the boys backpack and pull out his web shooters, which the blond threw to the spider and he caught them without looking. Greeny recovered as he clicked them around his wrists. 

Harry stumbled forwards and Peter leaped up as the hoverboard attacked him from behind. He tackled it to the grounds and webbed it there. It buzzed as it tried to break free.

"Where's your attitude gone H you always where so talkative, did I slam you into the wall to hard?" Peter faked his sweet tone and pouted as he finished his sentence.

"Well at least one of us changed it feels like I'm talking with a puppy" Harry spewed before his head was slammed into the floor, knocking him out.

"Just because I look like one doesn't mean I act like one" His tone was stone cold and he wasted no time webbing the goblin up. 

Peter looked up at the team who where staring shocked at him, a grinning Harley, Clint and Natasha there too. The spider put on an innocent smile as If none of what they saw just happened.

"What the fuck-" 

Question- are you Introvert, extrovert or ambivert? 

(A/N I have been waiting so long for this to write this and I love how this turned out, I know the book isn't entirely Mama Spider but I like it which I never thought id say about anything I write.)

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