Chapter 11

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^this is canon, just saying^

"What the fuck-" (-Sam)


"Really capsicle you choose now to say that" Tony folded his arms and sent a glare in the super soldiers direction.

"There's kids around" Steve tried to reason but the genius wasn't having any of it.

"They are teenagers they hear that on a daily basis" he knew that from personal experience since people always swore around him when he went to high school. He was younger than everyone there but the swearing never bothered him. 

"Stop your squabbling we just found out that your absolute angel of an intern is Spiderman" Bruce stepped in going slightly green because he was stressed at how childish the two grown men where being. 

"Right yes" Tony turned to peter "I want an explanation, now" 

"I got bit by a radioactive spider, my uncle was killed and now I'm spiderman, the hero that swings around NY helping ordinary people" That was all that really had to be said about that. 

"Do your parents know about this?" 

"My parents are dead" Peter got used to saying that since teachers never read his file and were always threatening to call his mom/dad whenever he did something wrong. 

"Sorry I didn't know, who do you live with now? do they know about all this spider stuff" 

Peter snuck a glance at Natasha and she sighed "Guess we have to spill another secret today" She came over and put her arm around the younger spider. "He lives with me and yes I've known for quite a while"

"Nat I thought you where better than hiding the fact that spiderman is a 15 year old" 

"I'm 16" Peter interjected and earned a look from both his mentor and mom which quickly made him regret saying anything.

"Did anyone else know anything about this or was it just widow"

a guilty Clint and a grinning Harley put their hands up.

"I expected Clint but my own son, Stephen our son knew and he didn't tell either of us"

"We'll deal with him later how about we go take a walk to clear that head of yours " Strange lead the man outside of the room and the team could hear the couple distantly talking. 

It was silent for awhile before Clint asked "So does anyone want to finish this movie" They all nodded and moved over to watch the movie, wiping some glass out of the way before sitting down. The teenage duo huddled together again this time on the floor next to Bucky and Steve who where doing the same. They finished the movie and where not bothered by the faint buzzing coming from the hoverboard and when a group of agents came to take Goblin away or when a less stressed tony and his husband joined them half way through. 


"Peter I have a box of your books" Natasha entered the room where her son was unpacking with the help of Harley. 

"I was wondering where those where must of mixed in with your stuff" Nat nodded handing it over to him. "Is everything going okay in here?" 

"yeah its going great I'm thankful to Harley for lending  helping hand, the heights this tall guy can reach never cease to amaze me"" Harley blushed slightly but Nat didn't miss it 

"Wow I'm you mother stop flirting with your boyfriend right in front of my eyes" They both went crimson red and Nat took that as her que to leave.

It's been three days since the avengers found out about who was behind Spiderman's mask, they all talked it out, and Nat's suspended from being a hero for a month since she knew his identity and didn't tell. Clint's not allowed to play video games for 2 weeks and Harley lost his lab privileges for 5 days. 

 Peter isn't allowed out as spiderman until he gets a Tony Stark approved suit (he's adding features to the suit Harley made) and he has to let Tony  tinker with his AI so that the team can force him to answer calls when he's out, Karen was not happy with it but she wasn't about to take over the world.....yet. 

That was a joke, she would never take over the world without Peter telling her too because she's a good AI like that.   


(A/N sorry not sorry for quoting a vine. I tried to make this chapter as fun as I can because I just think the avengers would be like that, they always get over things quickly and start watching movies right after arguments or serious situations- which I admit is probably because of Clint so thank him for keeping the mood light)

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