🌸 ᴄᴜᴛᴇ - Sugawara x Daichi (Mother's day Special!)

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Oh boy here we go, I wrote this in a frenzy because I had such a sudden shower thought and then the whole plot unfolded before my eyes as I was being dowsed with cold ass water. Anyway I made this for Mother's Day cuz Sugamama (mah heart-) I mean Sugawara. This has some slight NoyaHina and some slight Tsukiyama. Art Above is not mine. Enjoy!
-kusokawa 🗑
Nishinoya's POV

"So we are going to get Sugawara and Daichi together!" I say with enthusiasm as everyone in the room looked at me with confusion.

"But Nishinoya-senpai, how would it work? It looks like it will be hard" Hinata says with a slightly confused face. I smile at him brightly.

"No fear precious kouhai! Me and Ryu have concocted the BEST of plans for this special day!" I say while looking at him then give a big thumbs up as he smiles back.

"Uwaaah! Nishinoya-senpai is so cool!" He says as his eyes sparkle and become brighter than before.

I put my hand on his shoulder and say "And I, as your super cool and awesome senpai, will treat you to Gari-Gari popsicles later!" I then smile at him again.

"Pfft- "super cool and awesome senpai" what is that" Tanaka laughs along with Tsukishima as I feel a tick mark grow on my forehead.

"RYU BASTARD!" I yell at him with an enraged expression. After that I regain my composure and start explaining the plan.

"Okay, so we need your full support in this plan." I say as I cross my arms looking all serious as Tanaka does the same.

"Yeah yeah whatever, this plan will seem either stupid, boring or both." Tsukishima says as he pushes up his glasses.

"Aww Tsukki, you said a while ago you were interested in what they were going to say-" Yamaguchi says as he gets cut off by Tsukishima

"Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"Sorry Tsukki!"

"Alright alright anyway, so the plan is....."

//time skip brought to you by Kageyama calling Hinata boke!//

Sugawara's POV

"Eh? What is this for Hinata?" I say as I take the card Hinata gave me.

"It's for you Suga-san! Happy Mother's Day!" He says as I watch him skip away happily, weird. I open the card to be greeted with an array of colorful margins and stickers plastered on the card.

Dear Sugawara-senpai,

Thank you for being the team mom we all love! ❤️ Whenever you cheer us up it makes us go 'uwahhh' and then all 'gwahhhh'! You will have a special place in my heart as my second mom (). Oh! And I have a gift for you in your bag upstairs, I know it will make you go all 'uwahhh' too!
Your precious kouhai,
Shoyo Hinata 。🌸

"Awwwee, this is so adorable, man, I really need to treat Hinata soon with some meat buns!" I say as I shove the card into my pocket and carry on with my day.

Soon enough, the cards started piling up. One by one they gave me cards and they all said almost the same thing, about me being the best team "mom" they had.

Except Kageyama's though, it was a bit different, it was about all of the above and how he treated me as an equal volleyball wise, such a cutie.

//time skip to after evening volleyball practice brought to you by Oikawa's space program//

"Man I got so many cards today, thank you everyone!" I say as I bow and then I walk up to my shelf and see my bag surrounded by piles and piles of snacks, then I see another card standing.

I take the card and start reading it.

Dear Sugawara,

I really like you a lot, would you care to go to a concert with me this weekend? Please approach me after practice for your answer.


Then I notice two tickets to a band that's VIP! He shouldn't have had, this is too sweet of him!

"Awwwee Daichi you shouldn't have had!" I say as I wave the tickets towards him.

"Wait what, what do you mean?" Daichi says with a confused expression as everyone's eyes are upon us.

"You know, this card and these tickets! I'm so grateful!" I say again as I go closer to him and hug him.

"Wai- what? I-I never w-wrote anyth-" I look towards him with a pout and put my finger over his mouth.

"Shhh! No! You are going out with me whether you like it or not! Understood?" I say as I put my hand on my hip.

"Ye-Yes sir." He says as an evident blush grows on his face. I just giggle and he grows even redder.

"Also, I like you too Daichi! I have liked you for a while now, you're just too stubborn and stupid to realize it" I say as I stick out my tongue with a playful grin.

"H-Hey!" Daichi protests with the blush on his face growing.

"A-Actually sugawara, it was Noya's plan to do this" Asahi says as he points to Nishinoya.

"Asahi-san you snitch! You said you wouldn't tell him!" Nishinoya says as he pouts a bit while maintaining a mad face at Asahi.

"W-Well, you had to tell them at one point, please don't get mad at me noya-" Asahi says in a nervous tone as Nishinoya berates Asahi.

"Hey Kōshi." Daichi whispers as I tilt my head a bit. He kisses me on the cheek then says

"I-I love you." Then rests his now flustered face on my shoulder. My face went a bit red but I laughed and hugged Daichi.

"You're so cute Daichi!" I say as I kiss him on his forehead.
Happy Mother's Day! I decided to do this fanfic because shower thoughts, and plus I wanted to upload something for Mother's Day so I ended up making this. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this!
Word count: 1004
-kusokawa 🗑

//Updated on May 10th, 2020//

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