ʜᴜʀᴛ - Iwaizumi x Oikawa (a bit s a d)

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Hey hey hey! I haven't written anything in a HOT minute, anyways. Here have some iwaoi because yalls deserve it fo the wait. I can't find the owner of the pic above oof.
Third POV

It's a quiet evening right now. In a park there's a certain man with spiked hair that loiters around the vicinity. His name? Iwaizume Hajime, third year at Aoba Johsai Highschool and currently the team's ace in volleyball.

Everything for Iwaizumi at the moment was calm and serene. No danger in sight, just a few streetlights and many, many stars above in the night sky. He often went to this park to think, just think about certain aspects of his life his loud best friend probably would pick on him about. Not that it's bullying just in a playful way atleast.

He stopped under a streetlight to look around. Just admiring the way the cold breeze that swept over him and the way the green leaves on trees would rustle around in that same breeze. Iwaizumi sighed, and put his hand in his pockets as he was about to reach for his phone, Until—

"IWAAA CHAANNNN" A loud male said as he grasped Iwaizumi's shoulders. Before Iwaizumi could react properly, he gradually swung his fist at Oikawa's face.

Oikawa fell to the ground, hissing in pain as he cups his cheek. Iwaizumi realizes his mistake and quickly goes over to help his best friend.

"Shittykawa, you shouldn't startle me like that! Plus it's nighttime, there's always danger everywhere. Cmon, lets go now." He says as he lifts him up, one arm around him, and took him to his house.

He and Oikawa hobbled to his house. Filling the air with conversations about utter nonsense.

"Haha, I made Iwa-chan worry about me~ He's going to be a great boyfriend!"

"Shut up before I make your bruise worse."

"Ah~ Iwa-Chan so kinky~"

"I said shut up" Iwaizumi says as he unlocks the door to his house. "Pardon the intrusion!" Oikawa says with a sweet tone as Iwaizumi lays him on the couch. "Idiot, no one's here. My mom is out of town for a week"

Oikawa gasps. "Iwa-Chan! It's like those movies! Wherein the girl is home alone and the parents are out for a week and they have se-" He was cut off by Iwaizumi throwing him a cold bottle of water.

"Here, take that and shut up I'm gonna give you an ice pack" He says as he turns his back to him and grabs some ice. Oikawa looks up at him with his sudden kindness and hospitality.

Iwaizumi then tosses Oikawa a ice pack and starts getting out the first aid kit.

"Iwa-Chan I only fell"

"Says the person who wears cargo shorts during the night and has a pretty big bruise on his knee." He scoops up the medkit and takes it to Oikawa. He then bends down (oWO) and starts placing ointment on his knee. Oikawa hisses in pain as he throws his head back.

Oikawa gasps as Iwaizumi applies the bandage on. "Ah~...Iwa-Chan—" Oikawa cuts himself off as he puts a hand over his mouth. Iwaizumi looks up in surprise as he stops whatever he's doing. Oikawa's face starts heating up as he averts his eyes away from Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi just stares down and continues patching Oikawa up, noticing the slightly awkward aura in the room.

Oikawa keeps his hand on his mouth. He struggles to keep his groans from pouring out as Iwaizumi massages his shoulder in a circular motion. "Alright, I am done." Iwaizumi says as he lets go of Oikawa's shoulder, blushing slightly. Iwaizumi puts back the medkit and sits down on the floor, rummaging through his bag in the process.

"You know, Iwa-Chan would make such a great boyfriend! The girl he would get would be super lucky— if he even gets any because Iwa-Chan isn't that popular as the Grand Oikawa-san!— Oh well. I'm prepared for that day anyway." Iwaizumi froze when Oikawa said that. 'Prepared for that day? What does he mean?'

Iwaizumi leaped on Oikawa, demanding answers to his very fussy statement that he just made. "E-Eh?! Iwa-Chan?!" Iwaizumi grabs him by the shirt and pulls him towards himself.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE PREPARED FOR THAT DAY?!" He yells as he glares directly into Oikawa's eyes. Oikawa scoffed as he turned his head away.

"Wow, Iwa-Chan shouldnt you be more careful with an injured person—" He chuckles as he looks up at him with a smile. "—what I meant with that is I'm prepared for the day I'm not Iwa-Chan's number one bestest most important person to him! Geez you should know this Iwa-Chan."

Iwaizumi froze as he lets go of Oikawa's shirt in disbelief. So that's what it meant. Oikawa then gets up and goes to the door. "Well, I'm done here. Bye Iwa-" "YOU SHOULDNT BE PREPARED FOR THIS!"

Oikawa flinches as he turns around slowly, confusion displayed on his face. He sees Iwaizumi looking down, probably about to cry.

"WHEN DID I EVER SAY THAT YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED FOR THAT?!?" He yells even more loudly than before. "I-Iwa-chan I don't get you?" He says as he approaches Iwaizumi, cautious about his movements. Iwaizumi then yanks Oikawa down by the collar and smacks their lips together.

Oikawa doesn't kiss back at first, most probably from shock. But eventually, he melted into the kiss and relaxed. Iwaizumi then bite Oikawa's lip softly, asking for permission to put his tongue in. Oikawa obliged and let the tongue explore his mouth. It explored every part of this warm, wet cavern.

Everything was a mess. Oikawa and Iwaizumi we're entangled with one another. Hands in hair and drool sliding down their chins. Legs over eachother, bodies pressed against eachother, on the cold, messy floor. Iwaizumi didn't care, all he knew was that he had the most important thing in the universe in between his hands.

Iwaizumi opens his eyes slightly, seeing Oikawa slightly blushy and is really into the kiss. Oikawa felt Iwaizumi smile into the kiss as he leans a bit to make the kiss even deeper. As much as they would like to continue this forever, they eventually pulled away. Oikawa opened his eyes, his face heating up even more. Iwaizumi averted his eyes away as Oikawa chuckled.

"How does it feel to kiss the grand Oikawa-san?" He said while posing dramatically. Iwaizumi scoffed. "I'm not falling for your stupid charms, Oikawa." He says as he sinks further on Oikawa, eventually laying his head on his shoulder.

"So does this mean—"

"Of course you idiot."

"Sorry just making sure" Oikawa says as they sit in awkward silence. His hand snakes around Iwaizumi and pulls him closer. They both look away as the awkward tension eats them up even more.


"Do you promise not to hurt me anymore?" Iwaizumi pauses when Oikawa said that. Iwaizumi then smacked Oikawa by the head, laughing.

"Yeah yeah okay dumbass" Iwaizumi says as he intertwines his hand with Oikawa.
Alright! It's finally doneeeee uwu. Thank you all for 1K reads and 1K followers on amino! I cherish every single one of you! I'm thinking of doing a kagehina smut chap (owo) but the smut will be uploaded separately.
Word Count: 1234
-kusokawa 🗑

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