Chapter 1: "I want a Squirrel!"

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The tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory was in full-swing, Augustus Gloop fell into the chocolate river and had been taken to the fudge room and Violet Beauregard was transformed into a blueberry as she chewed on a piece of gum that was a "3-course dinner" which is honestly great, or at least that it would be if it was ready. The only children that were left in the tour were Charlie Bucket, Veruca Salt and Mike Teevee. It was then they, along with Charlie's Grandpa Joe, Veruca's father, Mike's father and Willy Wonka entered the Nut Sorting room, there were a lot of squirrels on the right side as well as the left. "Squirrels!" Veruca exclaimed. "Yeah. Squirrels. These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of their shells." Wonka explained. "Why use squirrels? Why not oompah loompahs?" questioned Mr Salt. "Because only squirrels can manage to get the whole walnut out almost every time." replied Wonka. "Oh look look." he pointed to one of the squirrels that was trying to crack the nut open. "I think that one's got a bad nut." the squirrel then tossed the nut away and it went down the garbage chute. "Daddy, I want one of those squirrels. Get me one of those squirrels. I want one." Veruca stated. "Veruca, darling, you have many marvellous pets." Mr Salt said to his daughter. "All I got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster. I WANT A SQUIRREL!" Veruca demanded. "Alright Veruca, Daddy will get you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can." Mr Wonka was clearly disgusted of how this little girl was behaving, but chose to not interfere. "But I don't want any old squirrel, I want a trained squirrel." Eventually, Mr Salt gave into Veruca's demand much to Mr Wonka's disgust. "Very well. Mr Wonka, how much would I have to pay you for one of your trained squirrels? Name your price." Mr Salt calmly requested to Mr Wonka as Veruca looked at him with a sickly smile on her face. "They're not for sale. She can't have one." Instantly, Veruca's smile faded, and shot a glare at her father. "Daddy." she said sternly before Mr Wonka did a pretty good impression of Mr Salt causing Veruca and Mr Salt to look at him. "I'm sorry darling. Mr Wonka's being unreasonable." Then Veruca made her decision. "If you won't get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself." she then went under the gate and down the steps to where the squirrels were. "Veruca." Mr Salt said. "Little girl?" Mr Wonka said. But Veruca wasn't listening to them, she was looking for which squirrel she wanted to get as a pet. "Veruca. Come back here at once. Veruca!" Mr Salt called out. Finally after looking at all of the squirrels, Veruca had decided. She walked over to it, all the squirrels had stopped working to take a look at her. "Little girl. Don't touch that squirrels nuts. It'll make him crazy." Mr Wonka pointed out as Veruca stretched out her hands and said to the squirrel "I'll have you." with a smile. Suddenly, all of the squirrels lept off their workplaces, causing Veruca to leap back herself in surprise with a gasp as the squirrels then lept onto her and tackled her to the ground. 

She tried to get them off of her, but it was no use as the squirrels were still crowding over her body, she then noticed that one of them then crawled onto the back of her right hand and bit it. "Ouch! That hurt!" she cried out. Back up the stairs, Mr Wonka was trying to unlock the gate with the amount of keys that he had, but not one of worked. Mr Salt was getting more and more concerned. "Daddy, I want them to stop!" Veruca shouted as one crawled onto her chest, it then put a paw on her face while she squeezed her eyes shut and it knocked on her forehead and put an ear to her face. "What are they doing?" Charlie questioned. "They're testing her to see if she is a bad nut." Mr Wonka stated before he realised. "Oh my goodness. She is a bad nut after all." the squirrels then proceded to carry her to the hole in the middle of the room. "Where are they taking her?" Mr Salt asked. "Where all the other bad nuts go. To the garbage chute." Mr Wonka answered. "Where does the chute go?" "To the incinerator." Mr Salt looked horrified. "But don't worry. We only light it on Tuesdays." "But today is Tuesday." Mike pointed out. Now Mr Salt looked terrified. "Well, there's always the chance that they have not decided to light it today." "Daddy!" Veruca called out, it was then she was about to fall down the garbage chute, but the squirrels suddenly stopped carrying her, they also got off of her and returned to their workplaces. Mr Wonka was surprised as was everyone else "Well um, that was unexpected." "Why did they do that?" Charlie questioned. "I........ don't know." Mr Wonka replied. It was then Charlie went under the gate. "Where are you going Charlie?" Grandpa Joe asked his grandson. "To help her. I mean if that's alright with you Mr Wonka." Mr Wonka thought for a moment before nodding. And so Charlie went down to where Veruca was and when he got there, he held his hand out to her. "Are you alright Veruca?" he asked. Veruca was hesitant, she didn't know what to do or say but she eventually took his hand and got up off the floor. "Oh um--" she started to say. "--I'm just fine. Thank you......... what was your name again?" she asked him. "Charlie." he replied calmly. She nodded. "Thank you Charlie." she said. They then made their way back up the stairs. Mr Salt was scolding at his daughter. "What the heck were you thinking Veruca?" You could've been killed by Incinerator!"" "Veruca at first was shocked by the sudden outburst by her father and looked like she was about snap back at him, but her face fell and Mr Salt was surprised to hear the next choice of words coming out of Veruca's mouth. "I'm sorry daddy."Veruca said with sadness in her voice. "What did you say?" "I said I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to humiliate you and everyone on this tour." she looked down at her feet. "Well, I'm not the only one that you should be apologising to. Tell Mr Wonka that as well." Veruca looked up, nodded and apologised to Mr Wonka who said nothing in return. "Now the moment we get back home, you are grounded for the rest of the day." Mr Salt said sternly. "I understand." and so Veruca and her father were about to leave the tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but they were stopped by Mr Wonka. "Little girl?" he called out as Veruca and her father turned around and looked at him. "I suppose that I could let you stay in the tour, but if you rather go home....." Veruca's face brightened up with a smile and ran to hug Mr Wonka, but he stopped her. "I will only let you stay if you promise to be a good girl from now on. One more act like that and you both will be gone. Am I clear?" Mr Wonka said as Veruca looked at her father who was surprised that Mr Wonka had offered this to them. He nodded. Veruca beamed and turned back to face Mr Wonka. "Yes, Mr Wonka. I promise to be good." Mr Wonka managed to smile a little bit. "Good. Now let's move onto the next and final part of the tour." he said as he, Grandpa Joe, Mr Salt, Mike, Mike's father, Charlie and Veruca entered a glass elevator. Veruca was looking at her squirrel bite before looking at Charlie. "Hey erm.....Charlie? You suppose that we could be friends?" she asked. Charlie thought for a moment before answering "I don't see why not." Veruca smiled, she and Charlie then shook hands before she looked at the squirrel bite again. Something werid then happened inside of her that she didn't know about as the bite mark faded away, causing a change inside of her body. Something furry was waiting to come out of her. 

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