Chapter 7: The Cause of the Change

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When Charlie and Veruca returned to Charlie's house, Mr Salt was looking anxious at his daughter. "Are you okay now, Veruca?"  he asked her. She managed to smile a bit and grip Charlie's hand. "Yes thank you Daddy." "Well then, it is time that we go home, it is getting late now." Veruca nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Charlie." she kissed him lightly on the lips and they said their goodbyes to one another with a little wave. "That is your girlfriend then, is she nutty to you, Charlie?" Grandma Georgina asked Charlie. "Oh yeah. She is nutty alright, and to think that she was a bit salty too before her personality had changed." he replied. The next day, Charlie and Veruca were hard at work inside the factory when Mr Wonka came to see them. "Hey Charlie. Hey Veruca." he said with a smile. "Hi Mr Wonka. How are you doing sir?" Charlie asked as he gripped Veruca's hand. "I've got something to show you both. Follow me." And so they all went into the glass elevator. Mr Wonka pressed a button and the elevator travelled to it. When it got the room, as always, the door of the elevator opened. 

As Charlie and Veruca looked around, their mouths opened. What they saw was a zoo of milk chocolate animals. Everything from monkeys to giraffes to elephants to lions. "This was your idea wasn't it?" Charlie and Veruca smiled and nodded. "My word, these animals look good enough to eat." Veruca said with a smile before pain struck her stomach as shen then clutched it with a painful grunt. "Are you okay, Veruca?" Mr Wonka asked. Veruca shook her head. "Mr Wonka, is there a way to see a doctor in this factory?" Charlie asked as he supported Veruca. "Mr Wonka nodded." Take the elevator. There should be a button that says Emergency Room next to it. And so Charlie and Veruca reentered the glass elevator and Charlie pushed the button that said Emergency Room. While the elevator was travelling, Veruca looked a bit scared. "I wish that the elevator would hurry up. The squirrel monster inside me is waking again." she managed to grunt out as Charlie put his arm around her. "When we get to the Emergency Room Veruca, we will find out what causes you to change. I promise." It wasn't long before the elevator arrived in the room. To no surprise, the doctor was an oompah loompah. He was at working, typing medical words and stuff. He noticed that Charlie and Veruca arrived, so he turned around in his chair. Charlie's arm was still around Veruca as he was still supporting her the best way that he knew how. "Can I help you?" the oompah loompah doctor asked politely. "My girlfriend Veruca here becomes a squirrel monster, and we don't know why. She almost changed again just now, but luckily for her, she didn't. But she feels like that she might change again if nothing is done to help her control herself." Charlie explained." Please, can you help her? "he asked as the oompah loompah doctor nodded with a small smile." Of course I can. Could I take a blood sample from you, Veruca? It'll help me discover the cause of your changes." the oompah loompah doctor suggested as Veruca nodded and the oompah loompah doctor inserted a needle into Veruca's arm after wetting it a little with a wetwipe. Veruca jolted slightly and mildly screamed with her mouth shut. Once the blood entered the tube above the needle, the oompah loompah doctor removed the needle and handded a small ball made out of tissue to Veruca. "Hold this please on where the needle was. It helps stop the bleeding." Veruca did so right away as her blood was poured from the the tube into a device that was attached to the oompah loompah doctor's computer. The result came through as the oompah loompah doctor faced Charlie and Veruca again after reading it, he looked worried. 

"You don't suppose that you had been bitten by a squirrel. Have you?" he asked Veruca as she nodded. "Well I was when I was in the nut sorting room when I first came to the factory as part of Mr Wonka's tour. I was behaving badly and the squirrels were about to throw me down the garbage chute, but stopped and Charlie helped me up and I didn't behave badly again after that experience." "Well apparently--" he started to explain. "--it seems that the bite from the squirrel inserted some squirrel DNA has inserted into your body, the squirrels stopped carrying your because they realised this and the changes are rather mutations so to speak." Charlie and Veruca were shocked. "Muta.... but how is that possible?" Charlie asked. "It's because there is a mix up inside of your DNA hat your body cannot decide what it wants to be, sometimes it wants to be a human, other times it wants to be a squirrel, it makes your blood cells get all furry that they enlarge themselves, making fur sprout over your body, making your clothes rip and tear, the same as your leggings and your shoes burst. "the oompah loompah told Veruca. Veruca couldn't believe it." But what about when I change back to my normal self? The first time that I did it, my clothes were still torn, but when I did it the 2nd time, my clothes repaired themselves. Surely they would've been still torn." the oompah loompah doctor thought for a moment. "If I had to guess, then it must be the mood that you are in. Maybe if you are sad inside, they remain torn, but if they fix themselves, then you must be happy inside. I really don't know the answer to that sorry. But that reason is very possible." Charlie and Veruca then looked at each other then back at the oompah loompah doctor. "Is there a cure of some kind? I don't want to be a monster. I hate it!" Veruca yelled in a rage. "Calm down please." Veruca face then softened. "Sorry." she simply said. "It is okay. Now, I'm not sure if there is one, but I'll tell you what,l. If you will allow me, me and my assistants will do some research and if anything comes up, then I will let you know as soon as I possibly can, okay?" Veruca nodded. "Thank you doctor. Bye." she and Charlie then went back into the glass elevator hand in hand and decided to go back to the chocolate room. She thought that it would be for the best. "Well that went better than I thought that it would be." Charlie stated. "And I know what will cheer you up." "What's that then, Charlie?" Veruca asked. "This." said Charlie and he kissed her. When he broke away, both of them were smiling and shared a passionate kiss with each other. For now, everything was fine. Veruca was still fearing that she might transform again, but she wasn't thinking about it for now as she was enjoying her time with Charlie. 

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