Chapter 4: From Flesh to Fur

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Before they left Willy's childhood home, Mr Wonka  decided to ask his dad something. It was something that he thought would be nice to. "Dad?" he asked. "Yes? What is it, son?" "Would you like to see what is formerly my factory and stay  for dinner tonight? His dad stroked his chin with one of his fingers and thumbs. Charlie and Veruca looked hopeful that he would accept the offer. "I don't see why not. But no candy for me thank you. I'm watching my teeth carefully. I still can't stand cavities and everything that is bad for you." and so Mr Wonka, Wilbur, Charlie and Veruca all left the house and Wilbur closed the door behind them ad they made their way to the elevator. "Oh yeah, before I forget Dad, these two children right here are going to be my successors when I retire." "Well then, what are your names?" Wilbur asked Charlie and Veruca. "Pleased to meet you, sir. My name is Charlie Bucket." Charlie introduced himself as he and Wilbur shook hands. Wilbur then looked at Veruca. "And who are you?" he asked, Veruca looked a bit frightened. She looked at Charlie who nodded at her. "Veruca. Veruca Salt." she stuttered a little bit. "Pleasure." Wilbur said in return. It wasn't long before all 4 of them returned to the TV Room as the elevator reattached itself inside the factory. Instantly Grandpa Joe greeted his grandson. "How'd it go, Charlie?" Charlie smiled. "It went really well. Oh, and that--" he pointed to the gentleman in the dentist outfit. "--is Wilbur Wonka. He is Mr Wonka's father." he nodded and went over to him. "Hello there." Grandpa Joe said as polite as possible. "Hi. What's your name then?" "I'm Charlie's grandpa, Joe." Wilbur smiled. "Delighted to meet you, sir." he replied as they shook hands. "And I'm Mr Salt, Veruca's father." Veruca's father said as he came over. Wilbur looked at him and simply said "Charming." then Mr Wonka spoke up. "If you'd like to follow me dad, I'll show you everything that there is to see." "Very well." his dad said as Mr Wonka started to show his dad everything that there is to see. It was then Veruca felt a sharp stabbing type of pain, she clutched her stomach with a painful grunt, knocking her onto her hands and knees. Something was trying to pushout of her backside and Charlie rushed to her side. "Veruca! Are you okay?" he asked as he clutched her hand for support. "I need to go outside, I'll be back in a bit, please--" she panted "--don't follow me!" she pushed him away and went outside into the snow, once she got there, the pain that she was in grew worse. So she then threw off her fur coat as a squirrel tail ripped out the back of her dress. Back in the TV room, Mr Salt was looking worried. "Excuse me." he said to Charlie. "Yes?" "Do you know where my Veruca went?" "She went outside." Mr Salt looked shocked. "Is she nuts? She must be freezing out there. We best bring her back inside." Charlie nodded as he and Mr Salt went out. Back outside, Veruca was still changing, she heard her bones crunch and crack as she tried to scream, but she couldn't as she only managed to grunt as she looked at her hands in horror as they changed into ones similar to that of a squirrel. Also a dark brown amount of squirrel fur sprouted all over her body, legs and feet that it made her dress and leggings rip and tear and her shoes bursted to reveal squirrel feet. Her ears stretched into squirrel ears, her eyes went black, her nose reshaped itself into a squirrel nose and she grew two buck teeth. Veruca had turned into a squirrel monster. 

When Charlie and Mr Salt got outside, they didn't see Veruca anywhere. "I don't see her, sir." Mr Salt was looking around anxiously before he saw the squirrel monster, it was wearing Veruca's clothes, but they were terribly ragged. "Wha- whats that squirrel doing there?" he said as he pointed to it. "I... don't know." the squirrel monster looked at Mr Salt and Charlie, it tried to speak, but it came out as a angry roar. It scared Mr Salt that he ran back inside the factory and he did not stop until he reached the TV room. Charlie on the other hand approached the monster. The monster eyed him suspiciously before it started tearing up. Charlie put his hand on the monsters head. "You are just a misunderstood creature, aren't you?" The monster then shed a tear as it started to shrink. "What's happening to you?" the monster didn't respond, instead it turned into Veruca. "Veruca? You are the squirrel monster?" she at first looked confused but then she remembered what had happened to her so she nodded. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you, Charlie?" Charlie shook his head. "No. No you didn't. But we best get back to the TV room." Veruca nodded, picked up her fur coat and put it on, covering her torn dress a bit. When they got back there, Mr Salt was relieved to see his daughter was safe. "Veruca! There you are! Thank goodness you are safe!" he then noticed that her dress was ragged and she was bare footed. "My gosh, what happened to your clothes?" "I went for a walk outside, then suddenly, an animal managed to squeeze through the gates and attack me, scratching at my clothes, leaving them in rags." she lied, fearing that if he knew the truth, then he'd kick her out of the house and never to come back. Her father eyed her suspiciously before nodding. 

A while later, Mr Wonka, Grandpa Joe, Wilbur Wonka, Mr Salt, Charlie and Veruca were all having dinner, Charlie volunteered to make it so he made roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, sweetcorn, broccoli and gravy. Charlie and Veruca were sitting next to each other and Veruca was still fearing that she would transform again, and little did she know, she would be doing so but not yet. "Mmm, these are really good, Charlie." Veruca said as  took a bite out of a carrot she smiled at Charlie. Charlie smiled back. "Thank you, Veruca." after dinner, Mr Salt volunteered to do the washing up while Charlie and Veruca were having a discussion in the chocolate room as that is where they decided to go to so they could talk in private. They were both nervous, Veruca was because of the squirrel monster, while Charlie was about to confess something to her, something that she has been wanting to hear from him for quite a while now ever since that Charlie started being nice to her back in the nut sorting room. 

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