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'I need you.'

Something in Yoongi's voice caused Taehyung's heart to skip several beats. It sounded desperate and the slight tremor in his usually collected tone made him believe that something must have happened. He muttered a long string of hushed words like 'calm down' and 'I'll be there as soon as possible', all while struggling to put on a coat.

He forced the older to stay on the line with him and listen to his reassuring speeches that eased Yoongi's worries. A bit.

Taehyung had left the apartment in a rush without sparing Jimin a single glance because apparently, Yoongi's well-being was on the line and every wasted second meant more time for Yoongi to drown himself in all the swirling thoughts that came like a hurricane.

"It's going to take a while but I'll be there. Wait for me." He managed to mumble through the ragged breaths.

Maybe he was overthinking things too much and maybe he was too worried, but when it came to Yoongi, he could never know what was wrong.

Yoongi said nothing and simply allowed himself to drown out his thoughts with the help of Taehyung's voice. Despite its concerns and tremor, he found it more comforting than anything else at the moment. Simple things that Taehyung did, like talking, eased Yoongi's concerns because he'd focus on the beautiful boy, listening to whatever was on his mind, entering a whole different world and leaving everything else aside with no hesitation.

It was as silly as it could be but Yoongi really paid no mind to it.

"I'm almost there, hyung." He heard Taehyung's soft voice, tingling his ear and bringing him back to reality as he watched the front door expectantly, hoping it to open as soon as possible.

"Now I feel kind of guilty for calling you so late." His voice came out in a hushed slurr of words that were still heard by Taehyung.

It was true. He should have been more considerate instead of giving the younger a desperate call at such a late hour of the night. It was somewhat pathetic of him to do such a thing but it was a bit too late to send Taehyung back and assure him that everything was alright.

"Shut up and don't worry about it. I told you I'll be by your side whenever you need me."

Yoongi smiled ever so slightly, guilt still present but not as noticeable as he relaxed against the couch and glanced back to the door upon hearing the faint shuffle from the other end.

"Open the door, hyung. I'm freezing." Taehyung murmured under his breath and Yoongi jumped to his feet faster than one would expect him to, rushing towards the front door.

He was immediately greeted with a faint smile from Taehyung who was rubbing his pretty hands together in hopes of warming them up. Yoongi snapped out of his slight trance and gently pulled him inside his warm apartment with a smile of his own, except that his expressed utter relief.

"So glad you're here." He whispered in the boy's disheveled hair after pulling him into a tight, desperate hug that managed to pull out a surprised gasp from Taehyung.

Taehyung melted into the touch, his shivering coming to an abrupt halt as soon as Yoongi's warmth seeped through his body. As comforting as it was, Taehyung caught onto the way Yoongi held him like he'd disappear if he were to pull away even a bit.

He was genuinely concerned and so he shifted a bit in Yoongi's arms, just enough to face him and gaze into his hooded eyes.

"What happened, hyung?" He whispered and stood still as Yoongi clenched his jaw and buried his head in the crook of his neck, all while maintaining a strong grip onto his waist without answering.

Yoongi had the sudden urge to make himself forget. Forget it all and sink into Taehyung deeper, but he held himself back. It wasn't the time and that wasn't the reason he called him for.

He had to talk it out with Taehyung and let him know that he'd protect him if anything were to happen. If Namjoon tried to take him away.

Just the mere thought of losing him was enough to make him cling even tighter onto Taehyung's waist.

"H-Hyung?" Taehyung hissed in pain due to the bruising grip Yoongi had on him, making the older yelp and get back to reality.

His dark eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry." He rasped out and placed a brief kiss on Taehyung's forehead to solidify the way he felt and that he exaggerated a bit.

"D-Don't be. Just tell me what happened- Only if you want to! Don't feel pressured-"

"I do want to talk about it. It's just a bit difficult for me to start." Yoongi let out a small chuckle at the adorable stutters that slipped past Taehyung's lips and gently pulled him over to the couch and into his arms.

Taehyung relaxed against the touch and sighed upon feeling a warm hand rubbing circles on his back and another stroking his head in a way that made him feel like he was a precious piece of glass that'd break at the littlest touch. It brought him a sense of security along with a warm feeling that spread in his whole body, causing him to sink deeper in Yoongi's arms.

It had been quiet for a long time, Yoongi being still unsure and reluctant to share his deep concerns about Namjoon and the illegal races, but he knew he had to say something. Anything.

"So..remember when I told you about the illegal races?" He sucked in a sharp breath and noticed the boy's slight nod which he took as a sign to continue.

"My younger brother, Namjoon, was here just a while ago. Apparently, he had been sent by the man I used to race for. He wants me back."

Taehyung's entire body stiffened against Yoongi's, fear invading his system as the words had reached his ears. He jolted upwards, looking at the older with his eyes wide open and Yoongi knew. Taehyung feared that he had accepted the offer and that he was willing to start all over.


"I didn't. And I won't." Yoongi was quick to cut him off, making sure to assure him as best as he could because he couldn't stand the worried glint in his eyes.

Taehyung heaved a sigh of relief and allowed Yoongi to pull him back into his arms.

"And the fact that I refused might result in you getting hurt."

Taehyung tried to speak. Tried to say anything. But his throat constricted against his will, making him unable to utter a word as Yoongi held him tighter.

"So please. Never leave my side. I'll keep you safe." Was all he managed to mumble before capturing Taehyung's rosy lips into a slow, desperate attempt of keeping him as close as possible. He kissed him and tightened his grip, wanting nothing more than time to slow down.

Taehyung returned the kiss with as much passion despite the fact that he was beyond afraid and confused. He couldn't think no more and a part of him didn't want to.

Heck, he didn't even care if they weren't in a relationship. He didn't mind, as long as he had the chance to stay by Yoongi's side.

"I told you. I won't leave." He flashed him a faint smile and reached out to stroke Yoongi's cheeks in slow, circular movements, easing his worries completely.

A/N listening to chase atlantic throughout this whole writing process really makes things easier, wow

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