Chapter 12 (in Shinsou's POV because I don't feel like Kaminari)

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The pain stopped.

I didn't know if I should feel relieved.
I should, right?

But why didn't I?
Why didn't I feel better?

Why wasn't I happy? I'm dead now.
So I should be happy, right?


But I wasn't.

I missed him. Didn't I? I missed his stupid smile. His dumb pick up lines, his eyes... Everything. I missed everything about him. He made me feel worth living, he made me happy. But I ruined it all. I made him sad. No I didn't. He didn't love me.

Nobody did.

But it was over now.

The bullying, the names, the scarred looks on people's faces when they saw me, it was over now.

Maybe I still wasn't happy, but I felt better. God I was being selfish.
That's the reason they hate me. I am or I was selfish. I am dead.

It's all over.

Super short chapter because I can. And I killed Shinsou! Mum? Are you proud of me? - She isn't, she wanted Shinsou to live. But I thought: today's Mothers day so I'm gonna kill him. If I'm being honest I didn't want to but I had no idea how to make him live again.

Shinsou Hitoshi
+ 10.5.2020 (5.10.2020)
Died because of some person that is to stupid to write a story with a good ending

Thank you for reading that crappie story.



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