1 - A New Beginning.

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What's worse than the first day of school? Waking up on the first day of school while the house might be burning down...

Exhaling a heavy sigh, I turned off the stove, taking the burned eggs off of the heat. I meandered past my mother who had been trying to decide on what colour lipstick to put on today.

"Hey, mom..." I spoke out hesitantly, earning a simple hum as my response, "Is today a great day to start? Can't I rather start next week? I mean, it's Tuesday today."

She did not remark to me. I was unsure of whether she didn't hear what I said or just chose to ignore me. Either way, I knew my answer. There is no bargaining with her. Mom walked downstairs, her face plastered with make-up as it always is.

"Sweetie, I made breakfast." She said from the kitchen while the smell of burnt eggs still lingered in the air, "I have to leave early today. Mr Han asked me to do some extra work for him."

The door then slammed closed as she left without even bidding as much as a farewell. It's as simple as just saying, "See you later." Even so, I assume that it's difficult for both of us to say.

She's the secretary of some company's CEO. While her job does entail a lot, I knew exactly what she meant by 'extra work'—Trying to hide her love bites with a scarf as though she raised an idiot. The thought of her using her body to feel pleasure disgusts me. I can't imagine what must go through her mind. It was bad enough to be forced into it, why would you do it purposely?

Unbothered by my appearance, I decided that it was time to put aside my fear. As I approached the school, a wave of intimidation had hit me. Thoughts about how high school has only been a living hell for me thus far filled my head like a raging tsunami. Scepticism and fear of the unknown had engulfed me within seconds. I swallowed the lump in my throat and stepped into the gates, ignoring the whispers that tickled my ears.

"Is she new?"

"Who joins mid-year? Problem kid, you think?"

"Ugh! Her style is so plain."

Not like it's the first time I've heard comments like these. People didn't even try to be discreet. They always take a more schadenfreude approach to things like this. They feed off of the misfortune of others as though they're bottom feeders or scavengers waiting for prey to fall on their laps.

Whilst attempting to ignore these remarks, I walked straight past them, heading toward my homeroom class. Needless to say that my social anxiety was through the roof at this point. My footsteps echoed through the empty halls. When I had finally reached my designated classroom, the wave of scepticism had inundated me once more.

Even with my hand close enough to touch the door, I hesitated. My knuckles touched the door. I grew more and more afraid. After building up the courage, I knocked on the door. "Enter." said a voice inside. It was my new homeroom teacher. I creaked open the door as my footsteps filled the silence in the room. While walking, I could feel the stares on me.

I directed my attention to the teacher standing in front. He was pale and exuded an aura that could make you shiver in your boots. He seemed unapproachable. His resting face looked bored and is eyes screamed fatigue. I could sense and confusion in the room because of my presence. I stood stagnant with my head down, facing my shoes.

I stood silent as my homeroom teacher explained to the class that I was a new student. His name was Mr Min. His voice was deep and resonated beautifully in the classroom while his articulation was on point. He asked me to introduce myself.

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