🎄Chrismas Special🎄

315 22 11

*Please note that this chapter has no affiliation to the rest of the book. It is merely a filler and serves no purpose to the actual plot.*

<Third person POV>

It was the day before Christmas. The house was filled with decorations that just screamed 'festive'. Everything was decorated beautifully. There was, however, one lovebird in the bunch who started to believe that something missing from their merry home.

"Hey mom, do we have mistletoe?" Taehyung asked his mother who was currently doing all of the prep work for Christmas lunch.

"Isn't it a bit late to be putting up new decorations?" She asked him but all he did was eagerly shake his head, earning a chuckle from his mother, "try the attic, I'll come to help you in a bit."

An excited Taehyung had made his way to his mother, kissing her on the cheek while expressing his gratitude. With that, he had set off to the attic to find his desired ornament.

He entered the attic that was filled with dust. The air was thin and the pipes had rust.
He searched through it all, every box, as seconds, minutes, hours past on the clocks.
Despite all this and being dog tired, he still searched for the jewel he, so greatly, desired.

Until finally, after searching high and low, he found an ornament which resembled mistletoe.

"I found it, I found it!" He began chiming, "now Author-nim can finally stop rhyming!"

[*sorry... ]
[got caught up in the mood.*]

He made his way down to show off to his mother but alas, she was nowhere to be found. Taehyung had put that thought aside and decided to hang the fandangle on the living room doorframe.

His intention was just to fool around with Y/n but he began to think about using this as more than just a playful gimmick. This was his chance to get Y/n to initiate the first move.

<Attempt 1>

"Y/n! Can you come down for a minute?" He yelled to his girlfriend who had been tidying up her room.

After yelling out her response, she dashed downstairs to see why he chose to call out to her instead of meet her in her room. There was something suspicious in his eyes and his posture that, so casually, leaned against the living room doorframe.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a chuckle, to which he just smiled and pointed upwards, "I don't get it. What am I looking at?"

Taehyung pointed even more directly, causing Y/n to look up at the ornament, tilting her head to get a better view of it. After getting a good look at it, she looked back at the man beside her and expressed a face of confusion.

"It's mistletoe, you know?" Taehyung cooed to her, "So you owe me a kiss!"

A second had barely passed before Y/n had already burst out into laughter. So much so, that her eyes began to water. Taehyung however just looked confused by this.

"Tae Tae," she tried to speak and hold back her laughter, "baby, that's a corsage. Not mistletoe."

He looked up, flustered since he had made such a silly mistake. Shortly after his embarrassing moment, his mother walked into the room.

"Son, I found it."

They both glanced over to the woman holding the actual mistletoe in her hands. Taehyung only sighed while Y/n giggled and teasingly made her way back up to her room.

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