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I felt terrible leaving Luke behind. I felt like I had failed him. But, I knew he would understand my choice, accept it, and know it was right. The force told me, as I sat in a secluded part of the falcon, that what I was doing was right. It was right for both me and the resistance. For some reason, I felt like Luke was learning more now than if we had stayed.

Both Rey and I were lying in an escape pod. We were dropped once the falcon came out of hyperspace. No words were exchanged between us as our pod moved closer to the ship. I held my lightsaber, the only thing I could find comfort in. I could rely on this weapon. And as we traveled towards the ship, I felt like it was the only thing giving me hope. Rey looked to me, our faces closer than I would like. She nodded to me, as if telling me that it was going to be alright, that it was going to work.

Ties followed us in as our pod landed. I held my breath as the door opened and we were able to sit up. We were in the largest hanger I had ever seen on a ship, filled with bright lights and loud ships. Then my attention was drawn to Ben standing beside me, watching me. His eyes were blank as he looked between me and Rey. Once he had seen us, he moved away, stormtroopers meeting us as we stepped out, handcuffs in their hands.

We had initially been led to separate cells. A new set of clothes waiting for me when I entered. My handcuffs were removed while I changed into the white dress. I couldn't help but compare it to Leia's famous white dress. The one I was now in was long and had a fitted bodice before a flowing skirt, with a halter neck that would allow for no sleeves. It was too long. Too white. And too like Leia. But at least I could move my arms.

Before long, Ben stood behind both Rey and I, Rey sporting an outfit much more befitting to a Jedi. Ben held Rey's saber while mine was tucked into his belt. I hadn't planned on saying anything. The moment he had entered my cell I had asked why I was dressed in something so impractical and he hadn't answered. So, I had closed myself off, putting walls around my mind to try and stop him seeing in even if he tried.
"You don't have to do this." Rey told Ben. I admired her optimism for an answer she would like. I had been occupying myself with comparing how contrasted Ben and I were, him in his classic all black, and me in a dress that would be fitting for a princess. "I feel the conflict in you, as does Lowla. It's tearing you apart." I just wanted Rey to stop talking. She didn't need to try and fix this, I didn't want her to be the one to save him because then I would have failed. "Ben, when we touched hands, I saw your future."
"Shut up Rey." I stated through gritted teeth. She spoke like touching hands had been the best thing to happen, like it had been a turning point. All it had done was affirm toher what I had already known. My fist clenched as she continued talking, turning to Ben but I knew his eyes were on me, specifically my hands.
"Just the shape of it," Rey continued, acting as if she hadn't heard me, wanting to ignore me. She felt she was getting close to bringing Ben back. "But solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke.You'll turn." Rey had stepped closer to Ben, standing right in front of him now. Even though my eyes were piercing through the elevator door, I knew exactly where they were. She was near him, he was looking at her. From what I felt, force was running between the two, circling them and bouncing between them. "I'll help you." That's when I snapped.

"Just stop Rey!" I screamed, unknowingly lifting her into the air in my anger. "Shut up! Just stay out of matters that don't concern you!" My voice was shouting the loudest it had ever been. It wasn't until Ben grabbed my hand, tha I felt all the tension in me leave, all the anger gone and I was left with nothing. I quickly apologised to Rey and turned away from her, horrified with what I had done. Ben seemed to understand as he squeezed my hand before letting go, his eyes never leaving the back of my head. I could feel his desire to bring me into his arms then, but I knew it wouldn't happen.
"Because of what I saw, I know when the moment comes one of you two will be the one to turn. And you'll stand with me. Rey, Lowla, I saw your parents." At his words, Rey stood back, scared, angered I couldn't tell, but her hope was falling. I had turned around and stared at Ben, asking if it were true. He knew what I thought about my parents, how many times I wished that they were with me. He had held me as I told him how they left, how all I remembered was a ship leaving and then bad men, who I now knew as hunters coming after me. When I saw him nod to me, confirming that he had seen who my parents were, I heard the door open.

At first, I stayed facing Ben. It wasn't until he gently turned me around and then pushed both me and Rey forward that I saw where we were. Sat on a large throne was Snoke, his face looked like it was decaying and not all there. His head wasn't shaped like normal and I couldn't work out what species he was or if he were slightly human at all. The walls were red, a dark red fading to a brighter one. I wanted to push away from Ben and into the elevator and get as far as I could from the room. 8 red armoured guards stood around. Now known as thePraetorian Guard, they had finished their training and were some of the best guards in the galaxy.
"Well done, my good and faithful apprentice." Snoke called out to him, and I hated feeling like this was what Snoke had planned. I had been right in him luring Rey here, I was just stupid enough to follow her. If it wasn't for Ben's grip on me, I would have stopped moving.

Ben soon kneeled, bowing before the being in front of him. As he knelt, he pushed me to step forward, falling in step with Rey. Jedi are taught to mask fear, but I couldn't help fearing Snoke, fearing that I had walked to my death, and fearing that Ben was slipping further and further away."My faith in you is restored." Snoke told Ben and I could almost feel the relief coming from the boy behind me, bowing his head in respect. The man sitting on the throne turned to me and Rey, his small eyes looking disproportionate to the rest of him as he studied us. I turned to Rey and swore to myself that I would not let her be harmed, she was the spark, she was the one with the power to end this war. If anything was to come out of this, she had to survive. "Young Rey, welcome." The way he spoke made my mind focus on glaring at the being. I stood in front of her, taking a small step closer to her so Snoke knew that she wasn't alone. As angry as I had been in the lift, I knew that wasn't me, that wasn't what I truly felt. Rey was trying to help and she saw that, both her and I wanted the same thing. 

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