Kyojuro// you're like my mom

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* Rengoku didn't die in the infinite train and in this the artworks isn't mine.

You was the most senior at the butterfly estate. And the incharge of the injured person and you even made friends with all the Hashira.

Rengoku pov: It's been a while I haven't visited y/n Chan. Maybe I should go now and I hope she would be happy, if I give this gifts to her.

End of short pov


Y/n Chan was treating the trio after defeating the upper moon in the red light district.

" Hey! You have to be careful next time"

" We are sorry y/n nee San." Said Tanjiro looking down with a guilty feeling.
You when to him And sat next to him. You patted to him like a mother do to their child when they feel sad, guilty, insecure.

" I'm not asking you to say sorry but seeing you coming back again here cover with bloods make me sad and worry." You sounded like a mother even toh your not married." Tanjiro please be careful next time when you go for a Mission."

" Hai y/n nee Chan" he suddenly beam. What a cute cinnamon roll he was.

" Y/n nee Chan I want it tooooo I want it tooooo" Zenitsu shouting for your attention. He was jealous for sure.
But Inouske was more jealous and wanted your attention so he started writing and reading and calling your name in proper pronounciation.

" What is it Zenitsu? And you mustn't shout when there is patients around you." You put you hands on the hips.

" Y/n nee Chan sorry for that"  his mood when down, after you scolded a little to him.

" But I love Zenitsu so much that he can defeat a demon for me. And he is my favourite demon Slayer corp ever" you was cheering him.

Zenitsu who was clapping his hands.

" Aoi chan it's time for their medicine" you said to aoi who was taking away their breakfast dishes.

" Hai! Y/n nee sama"

" She is already a mother " looking at you from a distance. Rengoku smiled.

You was going out of the room as it was your rest time. Then suddenly a blonde and red tips hair, smile at you.

You was calm and happy at his safe Arrival after a dreadful Mission when he told you before he went.

" kyo san, welcome home" welcoming him with the best smile. " I'm glad that you came back without any injuries." Checking at him.

" I knew that y/n Chan would be sad if I came with injuries"

" Hey! It my free time and are you free? I mean it rare for me to see you and ..... If your tired... Then it okay..." You wanted to spend time with him. Among the Hashira Shinobu was your favourite but Rengoku stole your heart.

" I'm always free for you y/n Chan." Smiling at you.


Rengoku and you was walking around the riverside.

" Kyo san you you came at the right day, and your always their in my prayers."

" Y/n Chan is just like a mother to everyone and you also even remind me of my mother who passed away some years ago." Looking down.

" Well everyone says that im like a mother but I'm an orphan, my parents died when I was just a child. And Shinobu nee San took me. I had never recieved love from my parents but I do now and I want it to give to everyone." Telling your past to kyojuro that he is not alone but together with you.

" I'm sorry for letting you telling me your past." This time he wanted to cheer you.

" Oh kyo san I wander if you forgot what day it is?" You asked him.

" It's second Sunday of may, j guess. I always list the track if Sunday or Monday" he was laughing.

" Its mother's day and it my favourite Hashira birthday too!" You was red, you wanted to give him his birthday present.

" My birthday?" He was confused. " Ah!!!!!  Yes it is my birthday. I remember it now hahahaha, how forgetful I am"

" Here take this "  taking out the present from your pocket." I hope you like it"

It was a small embroidery handkerchief, you made it by yourself. You always wrote his name on it and the Design of the embroidery was like his cloak.

" Y/n Chan I'm really happy" there was no smile but a tears coming down from his eyes. " I mean it! I'm really happy"

" Kyo san don't you cry! I..."

" Y/n Chan I..... I ....... Will you marry me" wiping his tears and looking at your eyes.

You gasp at the moment.

" Yes, kyo san!"

He took out a box. And kneel down.

" I don't know how to do it, but I saw some people doing it when I was on my mission....." showing you the ring.

You put your left hand forward. And he insert the ring in your ring finger.

" Kyo san I love you" smiled at him a glimpse of tears running.

" Now you're a mother for me. Happy mother's day y/n Chan" he hugged you.

"And happy birthday Kyo san" hugged him back.

Happy belated birthday Kyujuro Rengoku 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Happy belated birthday Kyujuro Rengoku 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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