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"How could you even think I'll marry someone like you?.......You are a fool. Did I ever said to wait for me ?. Did I ever gave you any type of indications ? I can never marry you . Never Miss Akriti Verma. You were, are and always be a second choice to me . Always ."

The words still had the power to shake her insides, Her heart was already a puddle mess and her eyes have dried from crying, Tear glands nearly empty . Her condition was no less from a heart broken Girl but the only difference here is she never loved the said man, Never engaged her heart But What she did was kept high hopes of marrying her best friend, Riyansh Bedi .

Riyansh had always been surrounded by the Female attention but had worked up his way to befriend her, She thought she was special to him but Her mirror of assumptions broke when he openly rejected the marriage proposal between them . It wouldn't have hurt this bad if he had not used these agitated words, he didn't even disregarded her but her Father .
Father, oh damn.

Akriti suddenly had revived from all these thoughts as she looked at the clock . 16'43 hours, Just few minutes and her father will walk inside her room with a mug of tea . Tea Time Together . A ritual started by her grand mom, and still in motion.
Quickly straightening herself she walked towards the Bathroom to get a shower, staying all day in bed, She was smelling.

Dressing in an orange jumpsuit with broad pants and buttons she towel dried her hairs, Cleaning her messed up room and throwing the laundry away she walked towards the bed to take deep breaths

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Dressing in an orange jumpsuit with broad pants and buttons she towel dried her hairs, Cleaning her messed up room and throwing the laundry away she walked towards the bed to take deep breaths .

Time - 16:59 hours, Really quick it was, She muttered . She closed her eyes for a second when her Room door burst open, In walking, on four legs was a fur ball, her Golden Retriever Ladoo .

The dog walked in all his glory, reaching her he rubbed his head on her calves

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The dog walked in all his glory, reaching her he rubbed his head on her calves . A sign to pet him .

Behind him walked her old man, With a toothy smile and reading glasses on, Her father Mr. Raghvir Verma, came holding two mugs . Tea Time Together

"Here you go muffin" She scrunched her nose on the name .

"I'm not a kid, I'm 26 dad" She retorted but she knew Her Nickname would never change, Even if I grow old .
"And I'm 56, Muffin" Her father had the Duh Smile .

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