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"Am I missing something ?" Came  the warm and Strong voice, Pathak Uncle. The man had a fine built for his age, His hairs cropped short and his face supporting a goatee . Wearing a simple plain Shirt with Formal trousers, A White coat draped on shoulders and stethoscope in his hand .

He walked inside with his head held high and spine straight . He walked in the room with a small smile which grew bigger seeing dad and Nakul reviving from a Laughter mania .

“Pathak” dad greeted him, dabbing his eyes with his palms .

“Why you Acting as Laughing Buddha ?” Pathak Uncle chimed, His gaze studying the machines and then travelling to the report file .

“Nothing, Had witness a tomato”  Raghvir Joked at a scoffing Akriti who turned her head other side .

“Dare you tease My Muffin, Verma, I’m team Akriti” Pathak casually flipped the file pages and winked at Akriti .

“Vir Uncle, I’ve talked Pathak Uncle into Your shift to London” Nakul announced with a proud grin. From the very day Nakul came to encounter the fact That his beloved Vir Uncle was suffering from Cancer, His mind and heart were In sync, saying and wanting one thing,

Do whatever you want, But you can’t lose him . Whatever it takes, Save him .

“London? Why? Pathak?”  Raghvir was confused, frowning.  Why does he have to leave?

“Verma, Nakul and Me were thinking to get you move to London, For advance Treatment.” Pathak said in his No non-sense tone .

“You giving up on me, Pathak?” Raghvir raised his brows, Can’t make his mind up .

“Of course Not, Not as a Doctor, and Never as your Friend?” Pathak sound Alarmed, Does Raghvir really think he would leave his side, at this moment, Never , Not in Seven Births .

“Uncle, You’ll get the advance treatment There, and Pathak Uncle will be there too, he has an annual conference to attend” Nakul explained, Sensing that his Uncle was not very impressed .

“Children it’s past Lunch, Go grab something for yourself” Raghvir commanded, Both Akriti and Nakul skeptical, The conversation wasn’t about this .

“Dad?” Akriti questioned her brows frown .

“Indirectly, Get out, Both of you” Raghvir added bossily . He knew both of them, They won’t leave his side that easily .

Sensing the thick air, Nakul signaled Akriti to follow him out, to which she reluctantly followed and left the two best friends alone .

Both silent, The only sound was the machine beeping .

“Pathak?”  Raghvir called, Demanded his attention .

“Verma, I had to agree to him, We will shift you soon enough, In next 36 hours” Pathak had his eyes averted .

Feeling  his gut sinking.

“Something’s wrong?, I can tell Clear and simple” .

“Nothing’s wrong. The Kid suggested me and I thought, That’s the best thing to do” Pathak still not looking in his eyes .

“Pathak? I am going no where,  That’s final”  Raghvir was back to his commanding tone, Enough to make a rock talk .

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