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“ But ? But what ?” This suspense and pauses we’re taking a toll on Akriti, She hadn’t left any patience anymore .

“Vir Uncle’s Survival rate is less than one digit, The carcinoma cells doubled in his lungs, He might…not…not…li…live long” Nakul stammered the last part, His voice was heavy and eyes red with unshed tears.

He wasn’t weak but he was reliving his father’s death after years .

He might not...live....long

“Nakul You Don’t get to say something like that” She roared at him.

Akriti raised from the bed and walked away, Her hands folded and Her eyes Stern .

“Listen to me Riti, I swear I’m not joking, I would never say something like this” Nakul hopped that she would try to listen to him, Calm and composed.

“Nakul, Last warning, You’ll regret your words” She snapped, Her voice threatening .

Riti, It's the truth, The only
" Nakul stood his ground, walked towards her, Her eyes staring into his.
His eyes Screaming truth .

“You’re wrong, Dad would have said it to me, He promised he won’t hide anything, He promised” Akriti rambled, Her palms sweating and her feet jelly .

Her mind again ran the last 24 hours . Her dad avoiding her, Pathak Uncle begging her to do as he wish .

“Riti” Nakul stabled her .


Akriti turned cold, her expressions frozen, Her eyes wide and She gulping for air . She turned away from him, Her hands left his, And Her eyes were blank. 

Nakul cupped her cheeks, turning her to face him .

“Akriti take deep breaths, Inhale” He tried to calm her “Exhale, Slowly .

Nakul feared her reaction but it was important for her to know . Seeing her taking deep breaths he relaxed . Her reaction was same like last time, When Pathak broke the news to them, This time she wasn’t crying, She was far from crying, because her eyes were Lifeless .

A shiver run down Nakul, Did he make a mistake ?

“Akriti Say something please” Akriti was dumbed, she couldn’t bring words out. Her thoughts were scattered and her heart beating loudly .

“He…I…No” Akriti mumble incoherent words Nakul couldn’t make head or tail of .

He pulled her towards him, Squeezing her in his arms, But still she didn’t cried, Her heart was numb to the pain and her mind running marathons .

“ I’m here Riti, Please calm down” Nakul murmured in her ears . Slowly rubbing his hands on her back and putting small kisses in her hairs .
After minutes, Akriti had her thoughts pulled together, She can’t break . She was strong.

Dad would be upset . I can’t break .

She slowly pulled her out from his arms, “You okay?” She nodded to him .

“Why…Why didn’t he say this to…me?” She begged him for a reply, Her eyes pleading and her heart sinking with fear .

“Riti, He might… feared your reaction” Nakul answered, He need to use words wisely .

“Why Now? Why you?” Her voice was accusing, and her hands griped his biceps .

“ I couldn’t hide the truth from you” Nakul softy spoke to her .

“Why Now? Because You don’t want me as a burden?” Her voice low and Rough .

“No, How can you think something like this ?”

“Yes, You don’t wish this, I’m a burden, Nothing but a burden”

“ Akriti” He Fumed “You are my Best Friend, Hell, More than a Friend, Never call yourself a Burden” .

“My dad is imposing me on you, This marriage is a Liability, Nakul, Don’t do this, Back out, You don’t have to do this . ” She quaked, Offered him the way out of this .
She doesn’t want to be a liability to him, Just a mere promise to his dad .

“Are you out of your mind ? Riti, I have given a promise” Nakul shook his head, Was this a bad idea? Telling her the truth .

“Promise, Yes, I’m a promise, And I don’t want to one, Nakul Dixit, I don’t want to be a Promise, I don’t want to be someone’s responsibility” She stressed the Word 'Responsibility'  Akriti started pulling out the Bangles from her hands, Throwing them back on the dresser .

“What the hell do you think, You’re doing?” Nakul yelled at her, Holding her hands, preventing her from taking off her jewelry .

“ I’m taking them off, No marriage is happening” Akriti announced, trying to shove her hands out of his grip .

“Akriti Stop”  He yelled, Putting  her efforts to an hold . Nakul took a calming breath, He never tells, Never loses his self control.  His head was bursting, Never he felt this anger in him .

“I came to tell you the truth, Not because I wanted to stop this Marriage, But I didn’t wanted you to be in dark” He explained to her, Elaborated his intentions to her.

“The truth, The Truth is My dad pity me, You pity me” Akriti had fire in her eyes, Her voice cold and getting harder .

“I feel like a F-cking Charity case”  She yelled, pushing him with force, And running to the balcony, She needed fresh air, Her whole life had crumpled.

The plans have backfired, Her dreams are supposedly be crushing into a heap of nothing but trash.  How could her own father hide things from her ?

First, His Cancer, it nearly broke her apart, it shook her beliefs . She couldn’t think straight and was holed up in this room with doing nothing but staring at the empty walls. 

And Now, He was dying, In God knows how many days ? She should have been the first to know, to console him and herself, to try and put efforts in saving his life .

But what is she doing ? Again holing up behind this glass door, dressed for a sham marriage, Being the epicenter of pity and Sympathy .

Poor Akriti, Her dad is dying !

Poor Akriti, Marrying Her best friend who doesn’t love…like her !

Poor Akriti, will have no family left !

Poor Akriti!

Poor Akriti !

“Stop, Stop”  She screamed her lungs out . Closing her ears, covering them with her hands She could do nothing but fall on the tiled floor.

“Akriti” Nakul again was back at her side, Leaning against the wall she kept chanting 'Stop', to the voices, To these bitter voices .

The story is coming to an end . Just 2-3 more parts to go .

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