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Akriti pulled the car in front of her home with a huge smile, happiness and glow of triumph radiating from her, The beautiful smile and those light brown eyes dancing in Joy .

Akriti sprinted her way inside her house as she rushed to Her father's room all grinning from ear to ear . Crashing the door open she rushed to the busy looking Raghvir who was concentrating on the document in his hands .

"Daddd....Dad" She squealed her heart out as she jumped on her father, pulling him out of the chair she danced with him, the crazy dance of happiness and Joy .

Raghvir was confused but later on was amused at her crazy child antics, just like a child who secured first position in a race. Her excitement was seen as she jumped up and down .

"Muffin, Don't break your neck, What's the matter?" Raghvir tried stopping her squeals as she tumbled on the couch leg .

"I'm so happy" She screamed again .

" I could see that, Muffin What happened that you can't stop smiling ?" Raghvir chuckled as she teased her tongue out for a second but again started hopping, Throwing her hands up in air .

"Muffin, stop" He ordered in a stern voice to bring her energy rush down, Her hands dropped to her sides and she pouted like a small child, settling down on the couch, keeping her eyes down .

"Now spit out, what made you so happy?" Raghvir started the conversation seeing her all calm down .

"Speak up muffin" Raghvir insisted his crazy daughter who was dancing minutes before and now is sulking .

But his nickname for her will work, he knew that his daughter can never stay quite more than a minute .

"Dad...Dad I am getting nominated for The Designing awards this year, Can you believe this ?You remember my last project for that Restaurant- Edge, They have featured it the Annual magazine, THE CORNER. Everyone is talking about it..... I'm so happy Dad"
Akriti couldn't believe herself saying things in a single breath but it was the truth, Reading the Email this morning she couldn't help but squeal in Joy.

Getting a recognition at this point of her career was an achievement . She had worked her way up as an Interior Designer in past few years and today she felt as she was on top of the world.

Raghvir had a huge smile on his lips and his eyes filled, tears on the brink as he felt his heart full of pride for his daughter .

She finally made a milestone in her life. Though she was just being nominated but her happiness and hard work was what mattered to him . He felt proud of her . Really proud.

"Muffin, I'm proud of you" Raghvir beamed as Akriti hugged him . A day to be remembered.

"Okay Dad, we're going for a dinner today, the treat is on me" Akriti giggled as she made her way to his desk where the candy box was kept .

Akriti was busy picking her candies when her phone beeped with a message . Her phone was kept on the couch, near her father .

Who had those detective expressions and one brow raised . Sensing what his next move might be She quickly rushed to grab her phone back but was outsmarted by her father .

Raghvir picked up her phone and clicked on the notification .

"Dad" she exclaimed at him as she tried snatching her phone back .

"What are you doing? That's my phone" She jumped up to his side as he kept dodging her .

At this age as well he was fast then her .

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