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“You really sure you want a Bengali Wedding?”

“1000% sure”

“You know how pompous it is right?”

“Of course Baba, I know every thing”

“Akriti Verma! You sure you won’t regret?”

“Grace One more question, And you’re dead, I know what I’m doing, So Shut up, and help me plan it”

“Riti You really want a Wedding so Extravagant?”

“There is nothing extravagant here, Mr. Dixit, Question my choice again, and I’ll change my groom, I would happily Marry someone else”

“Stop Snorting Dixit”

Frustration was what roamed in Nakul’s Veins at the moment, Continuously finding ways to secure the 3meter White cloth which was to be worn by him, for his big day .

The big day, as termed by his crazy fiancé who took it to herself to make This day, a real memory, and turns out that this is supposed to be very big memory when the Groom will walk out, securing his hands around his waist, to stop the cloth to fall off his lower half . Definitely a treat to eyes . 

“Nakul stop frowning, You know how crazy your bride is” Adarsh poked fun at Nakul, still his hands trying to secure the cloth piece, only if his fire-y glare was tangible, the cloth would have turned ashes .

“Riti will pay for this”  Nakul murmured to himself but loud enough for Adarsh who burst out Laughing, at his expenses .

“Stop Laughing Bastard, or else you’ll celebrate your death Anniversary this day, Every year” Nakul Fumed at Adarsh who wiped the tears off his eyes, still the grin not leaving his face .

“You know the ever so calm and composed Nakul Dixit, struggling over Dhoti, is a moment of Century .” Adarsh chuckled as Nakul punched his ribs hard, leaving the cloth to fall down and gather at his feet .

Nakul cursed and groaned so loud, banging his head on his hand, to which Adarsh couldn’t help but laugh .

Hearing the non stop laughter and loud cursing from the Room, Narayan Pathak peaked in from the door, seeing Adarsh who clutched his stomach, laughing hard and a very fuming Half-Naked Nakul cursing him to stop .

“What’s happening here ? Why aren’t you dressed yet ?” Pathak raised his brows towards them both, Making Adarsh compose from his laughter, still biting his cheeks to stop his grin and Nakul who looked Embarrassed and Red faced as he quickly picked up his Dhoti up, ‘trying' to secure it safely .

“Just…Just 2 mins uncle” He mumbled quickly, hands tying up the 3 yard cloth .

“You’re doing it wrong Nakul” Pathak walked towards him, taking the matters in his, securing the cloth at his waist and finally tying up the Cloth to make him ready for the 'big day' .

“You’re a life Savior Uncle” Nakul grinned as he looked himself all decked up for his wedding .

Adarsh took a look over at his friend passing him a smirk

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Adarsh took a look over at his friend passing him a smirk.

“You look 'Gorgeous' brother”  Adarsh tipped his head as Nakul snorted at his comment,  mumbling a series of curses at him, as Pathak uncle left to check on there guests .

“Bastard” Nakul spat, to which Adarsh chuckled hard, but soon his Expressions changed to an evil smirk.

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